Rock Cress - Arabis alpina caucasica 'Lotti White' - British Grown Herbaceous Perennial

Sprouts of Bristol
Checking local availability

Scientific Name
Arabis alpina caucasica (Alpine white-topped plant from the Caucasus) 'Lotti White'

A perennial flower with evergreen foliage which grows in mat form. Hardy throughout most of the UK down to -15.

Flower: mat forming, evergreen foliage

Common Name(s)
Rock Cress, Wall Cress, Mountain Rock Cress

Native to Southeastern Europe and the Mediterranean

The Rock Cress is often grown in rock gardens or on the edges of flower beds where its ability to grow in rocky ground and shallow soil really shines. This plant has been bred to grow tidy mounds of compact, fragrant white flowers which can stay fresh and blooming for several weeks.

Months of Interest
Foliage all year round; flowers March-May

Pruning Tips
Prune after flowering to keep this compact plant neat!

Wildlife Value
Pollinators, especially bees

Full sun

Keep soil moist but not soggy; keep an eye especially on plants in pots

Needs well-draining soil; grows well in sandy, chalky or loamy soil

Not necessary, but will benefit from extra nutrients to encourage flowering, especially if your soil needs a boost!

Yes, but too much nibbling won't be good for pets, small humans or the plant!

Sprouts Top Tips
Make sure this plant never sits in soggy soil; add extra sand or grit to give it an extra boost!