Pincushion Flower - Scabiosa columbaria 'Mariposa Blue' - British Grown Perennial

Sprouts of Bristol
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    This deciduous perennial produces delicate blue-mauve flowers from spring through to autumn on long stems reaching above its bright green foliage. native to the UK, it's hardy throughout most of the country, down to -10°C.

    This gorgeous native shrub produces delicate blue-mauve flowers from April through to November, and is known for attracting a variety of pollinators. Its flowers grow on long stems above funky foliage, and look amazing in your garden or in a vase if you want to grow your own cut flowers. Each stem bears a pincushion of flowers whose ruffled petals allow access to nectar-hungry pollinators throughout their blooming season.

    Perennial Flower: bushy growth habit
    Flowers April to November, foliage spring to autumn.

    Scientific Name
    Scabiosa columbaria 'Mariposa Blue' (mangy, dovelike plant, variety: Mariposa Blue)

    Common Name
    Scabious, Pincushion Flower

    Native to the UK.

    Pruning Tips
    Deadhead to promote longer flowering; cut stems to ground level in winter.

    Wildlife Value
    Provides pollen and nectar/forage for butterflies, hoverflies, moths and bees, alongside a range of other pollinators. Their seeds are also good for birds.

    Place in full sun; this plant can grow in either a sheltered or an exposed spot.

    If growing in a container, water in dry weather; if in the ground, this plant is drought tolerant once established so shouldn't need extra water unless the weather is extremely hot and dry.

    Use well-draining but moisture-retentive soil; add sand to help drainage if your soil has high clay content. Neutral to alkaline soil is best.

    Your pincushion flower should get all it needs from the soil without needing extra food; mulch the soil annually to ensure it replenishes the nutrients.

    Yes- no toxicity reported, though it's best for the plant and your pets if they don't nibble too much!

    Sprouts Top Tips
    Leave the seed heads in place after flowering; this will help it re-seed to flower year on year, and will help feed the birds. Cut back the stems in late winter before the plants starts to grow again.


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