RHS Plants for Pollinators


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Pet Safe
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89 productos

Rudbeckia fulgida - Coneflower - Sprouts of Bristol
Rudbeckia fulgida - Coneflower - Sprouts of Bristol
Rudbeckia fulgida - Coneflower
Sprouts of Bristol
No hay reseñas No hay reseñas
Pet Safe FOR Wildlife
Leucophyta brownii - Cushion Bush - Sprouts of Bristol
Leucophyta brownii - Cushion Bush - Sprouts of Bristol
Leucophyta brownii - Cushion Bush
Sprouts of Bristol
No hay reseñas No hay reseñas
Pet Safe FOR Wildlife
Beetle Mix Seedball Tin - Sprouts of Bristol
Beetle Mix Seedball Tin - Sprouts of Bristol
Beetle Mix Seedball Tin
No hay reseñas No hay reseñas
FOR Wildlife
Rudbeckia fulgida var. sullivantii 'Goldsturm' - Coneflower - UK Grown - Sprouts of Bristol
Rudbeckia fulgida var. sullivantii 'Goldsturm' - Coneflower - UK Grown - Sprouts of Bristol
Coneflower - Rudbeckia 'Goldsturm' cultivada en el Reino Unido
Sprouts of Bristol
No hay reseñas No hay reseñas
Agotado Pet Safe FOR Wildlife
Daboecia cantabrica alba - Irish Heath - Sprouts of Bristol
Daboecia cantabrica alba - Irish Heath - Sprouts of Bristol
Bella Dama Heather - Calluna vulgaris 'Luz de las velas'
Sprouts of Bristol
No hay reseñas No hay reseñas
Agotado Pet Safe FOR Wildlife
Calluna vulgaris 'Wibos Weiss' - Heather - Sprouts of Bristol
Calluna vulgaris 'Wibos Weiss' - Heather - Sprouts of Bristol
Bella Dama Heather - Calluna vulgaris 'Luz de las velas'
Sprouts of Bristol
No hay reseñas No hay reseñas
Agotado Pet Safe FOR Wildlife
Penstemon hartwegii 'Phoenix Appleblossom' - Beard Tongue [British Grown Perennial] - Sprouts of Bristol
Penstemon hartwegii 'Phoenix Appleblossom' - Beard Tongue [British Grown Perennial] - Sprouts of Bristol
Lengua de barba - Penstemon 'Arabesque Red' - Perenne cultivada en Gran Bretaña
Sprouts of Bristol
No hay reseñas No hay reseñas
Agotado FOR Wildlife
Salvia x superba ‘Bordeau Compact Sky Blue’ - British Grown Perennial - Sprouts of Bristol
Salvia x superba ‘Bordeau Compact Sky Blue’ - British Grown Perennial - Sprouts of Bristol
Salvia otoñal - Salvia greggii 'Cherry Lips' - Perenne cultivada en Gran Bretaña
Sprouts of Bristol
No hay reseñas No hay reseñas
Agotado Pet Safe FOR Wildlife
Yarrow - Achillea millefolium 'Desert Eve Terracotta' - British Grown Herbaceous Perennial - Sprouts of Bristol
Yarrow - Achillea millefolium 'Desert Eve Terracotta' - British Grown Herbaceous Perennial - Sprouts of Bristol
Yarrow - Achillea millefolium 'Desert Eve Terracotta' - British Grown Herbaceous Perennial
Sprouts of Bristol
No hay reseñas No hay reseñas
Agotado FOR Wildlife
Penstemon hartwegii 'Phoenix Red' - Beard Tongue [British Grown Perennial] - Sprouts of Bristol
Penstemon hartwegii 'Phoenix Red' - Beard Tongue [British Grown Perennial] - Sprouts of Bristol
Lengua de barba - Penstemon 'Arabesque Red' - Perenne cultivada en Gran Bretaña
Sprouts of Bristol
No hay reseñas No hay reseñas
Agotado FOR Wildlife
Lavandula angustifolia ‘Ellagance Ice’ - White English Lavender - Sprouts of Bristol
Lavandula angustifolia ‘Ellagance Ice’ - White English Lavender - Sprouts of Bristol
Lavanda inglesa - Lavandula angustifolia 'Blue Spear' - Cultivada en Gran Bretaña
Sprouts of Bristol
No hay reseñas No hay reseñas
Agotado Pet Safe FOR Wildlife
Thyme - Thymus citriodorus 'Archers Gold' - British Grown Culinary Herbs - Sprouts of Bristol
Thyme - Thymus citriodorus 'Archers Gold' - British Grown Culinary Herbs - Sprouts of Bristol
Tomillo - Thymus citriodorus 'Silver Posie' - Hierbas culinarias cultivadas en Gran Bretaña
Sprouts of Bristol
Desde £2.50
No hay reseñas No hay reseñas
Agotado FOR Wildlife
Calluna vulgaris 'Dark Star' - Heather - Sprouts of Bristol
Calluna vulgaris 'Dark Star' - Heather - Sprouts of Bristol
Bella Dama Heather - Calluna vulgaris 'Luz de las velas'
Sprouts of Bristol
No hay reseñas No hay reseñas
Agotado Pet Safe FOR Wildlife
Salvia farinacea 'Velocity Blue' - Mealycup Sage - British Grown - Sprouts of Bristol
Salvia farinacea 'Velocity Blue' - Mealycup Sage - British Grown - Sprouts of Bristol
Salvia farinacea 'Velocity Blue' - Mealycup Sage - British Grown
Sprouts of Bristol
No hay reseñas No hay reseñas
Agotado FOR Wildlife
Lamium maculatum 'Golden Anniversary' - Dead Nettles - British Grown - Sprouts of Bristol
Lamium maculatum 'Golden Anniversary' - Dead Nettles - British Grown - Sprouts of Bristol
Lamium maculatum 'Golden Anniversary' - Dead Nettles - British Grown
Sprouts of Bristol
No hay reseñas No hay reseñas
Agotado FOR Wildlife
Dwarf Cosmos - Cosmo bipinnatus 'Apollo Magenta Pink' - Sprouts of Bristol
Cosmo bipinnatus 'Apollo Carmine' [British Grown]
Sprouts of Bristol
No hay reseñas No hay reseñas
Agotado Pet Safe FOR Wildlife
Sneezeweed - Helenium autumnale 'Helena Gold' UK Grown - Sprouts of Bristol
Sneezeweed - Helenium autumnale 'Helena Gold' UK Grown - Sprouts of Bristol
Sneezeweed - Helenium autumnale 'Helena Gold' UK Grown
Sprouts of Bristol
No hay reseñas No hay reseñas
Agotado FOR Wildlife
Garden Phlox - Phlox paniculata 'Super Ka - Pow Lavender' - British Grown Evergreen Perennial - Sprouts of Bristol
Garden Phlox - Phlox paniculata 'Super Ka - Pow Lavender' - British Grown Evergreen Perennial - Sprouts of Bristol
Garden Phlox - Phlox paniculata 'Super Ka-Pow Lavender' - British Grown Evergreen Perennial
Sprouts of Bristol
Desde £4.00
No hay reseñas No hay reseñas
Agotado FOR Wildlife
Tussock Bellflower - Campanula carpatica 'Spring Bell Blue' - British Grown - Sprouts of Bristol
Tussock Bellflower - Campanula carpatica 'Spring Bell Blue' - British Grown - Sprouts of Bristol
Tussock Bellflower - Campanula carpatica 'Spring Bell Blue' - British Grown
Sprouts of Bristol
No hay reseñas No hay reseñas
Agotado FOR Wildlife
Tussock Bellflower - Campanula carpatica 'Pearl White' - British Grown - Sprouts of Bristol
Tussock Bellflower - Campanula carpatica 'Pearl White' - British Grown - Sprouts of Bristol
Tussock Bellflower - Campanula carpatica 'Pearl White' - British Grown
Sprouts of Bristol
No hay reseñas No hay reseñas
Agotado FOR Wildlife
Purple Spiked Speedwells - Veronica spicata 'Anniversary Blue' - British Grown - Sprouts of Bristol
Purple Spiked Speedwells - Veronica spicata 'Anniversary Blue' - British Grown - Sprouts of Bristol
Purple Spiked Speedwells - Veronica spicata 'Anniversary Blue' - British Grown
Sprouts of Bristol
No hay reseñas No hay reseñas
Agotado Pet Safe FOR Wildlife
Pink Spiked Speedwells - Veronica spicata 'Anniversary Rose' - British Grown - Sprouts of Bristol
Pink Spiked Speedwells - Veronica spicata 'Anniversary Rose' - British Grown - Sprouts of Bristol
Pink Spiked Speedwells - Veronica spicata 'Anniversary Rose' - British Grown
Sprouts of Bristol
No hay reseñas No hay reseñas
Agotado Pet Safe FOR Wildlife
Beard Tongue - Penstemon 'Partybells Violet' - British Grown Perennial - Sprouts of Bristol
Beard Tongue - Penstemon 'Partybells Violet' - British Grown Perennial - Sprouts of Bristol
Scarlet Beard Tongue - Penstemon hartwegii 'Partybells Violet' - British Grown Perennial
Sprouts of Bristol
Desde £5.00
No hay reseñas No hay reseñas
Agotado FOR Wildlife
Bergamot - Monarda didyma 'Balmy Lilac' - British Grown Perennial - Sprouts of Bristol
Bergamot - Monarda didyma 'Balmy Lilac' - British Grown Perennial - Sprouts of Bristol
Bergamot - Monarda didyma 'Balmy Lilac' - British Grown Perennial
Sprouts of Bristol
No hay reseñas No hay reseñas
Agotado FOR Wildlife
Garden Sage - Salvia nemorosa 'Caradonna' - British Grown Perennial - Sprouts of Bristol
Garden Sage - Salvia nemorosa 'Caradonna' - British Grown Perennial - Sprouts of Bristol
Garden Sage - Salvia nemorosa 'Caradonna' - British Grown Perennial
Sprouts of Bristol
Desde £2.50
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 (1)
Agotado FOR Wildlife
Anemone x hybrida 'Konigin Charlotte' - British Grown Herbaceous Perennial - Sprouts of Bristol
Anemone x hybrida 'Konigin Charlotte' - British Grown Herbaceous Perennial - Sprouts of Bristol
Anemone x hybrida 'Konigin Charlotte' - British Grown Herbaceous Perennial
Sprouts of Bristol
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 (1)
Agotado FOR Wildlife
Garden Phlox - Phlox paniculata 'Garden Girls Glamour Girl' - British Grown Evergreen Perennial - Sprouts of Bristol
Garden Phlox - Phlox paniculata 'Garden Girls Glamour Girl' - British Grown Evergreen Perennial - Sprouts of Bristol
Garden Phlox - Phlox paniculata 'Garden Girls Glamour Girl' - British Grown Evergreen Perennial
Sprouts of Bristol
Desde £4.00
No hay reseñas No hay reseñas
Agotado FOR Wildlife
Tickseed - Coreopsis grandiflora 'Single Gold' - British Grown Herbaceous Perennial - Sprouts of Bristol
Tickseed - Coreopsis grandiflora 'Single Gold' - British Grown Herbaceous Perennial - Sprouts of Bristol
Tickseed - Coreopsis grandiflora 'Early Sunrise' - Planta herbácea perenne cultivada en Gran Bretaña
Sprouts of Bristol
No hay reseñas No hay reseñas
Agotado FOR Wildlife
Granny Bonnet - Aquilegia caerulea 'Purple Blue- British Grown Herbaceous Perennialp - Sprouts of Bristol
Granny Bonnet - Aquilegia caerulea 'Purple Blue- British Grown Herbaceous Perennialp - Sprouts of Bristol
Granny Bonnet - Aquilegia caerulea 'Purple Blue' - British Grown Herbaceous Perennialp
Sprouts of Bristol
Desde £5.00
No hay reseñas No hay reseñas
Agotado FOR Wildlife
Shasta Daisy - Leucanthemum x superbum 'Real Deal' - British Grown Herbaceous Perennial - Sprouts of Bristol
Shasta Daisy - Leucanthemum x superbum 'Real Deal' - British Grown Herbaceous Perennial - Sprouts of Bristol
Shasta Daisy - Leucanthemum x superbum 'Real Deal' - British Grown Herbaceous Perennial
Sprouts of Bristol
Desde £5.00
No hay reseñas No hay reseñas
Agotado FOR Wildlife
Shasta Daisy - Leucanthemum x superbum 'Real Charmer' - British Grown Herbaceous Perennial - Sprouts of Bristol
Shasta Daisy - Leucanthemum x superbum 'Real Charmer' - British Grown Herbaceous Perennial - Sprouts of Bristol
Shasta Daisy - Leucanthemum x superbum 'Real Charmer' - British Grown Herbaceous Perennial
Sprouts of Bristol
Desde £5.00
No hay reseñas No hay reseñas
Agotado FOR Wildlife
Shasta Daisy - Leucanthemum x superbum 'Madonna' - British Grown Herbaceous Perennial - Sprouts of Bristol
Shasta Daisy - Leucanthemum x superbum 'Madonna' - British Grown Herbaceous Perennial - Sprouts of Bristol
Shasta Daisy - Leucanthemum x superbum 'Madonna' - British Grown Herbaceous Perennial
Sprouts of Bristol
Desde £5.00
No hay reseñas No hay reseñas
Agotado FOR Wildlife
Rock Cress - Aubrieta 'Just Spring Blue' - British Grown Evergreen Perennial Alpine - Sprouts of Bristol
Rock Cress - Aubrieta 'Just Spring Blue' - British Grown Evergreen Perennial Alpine - Sprouts of Bristol
Rock Cress - Aubrieta 'Just Spring Blue' - British Grown Evergreen Perennial Alpine
Sprouts of Bristol
No hay reseñas No hay reseñas
Agotado FOR Wildlife
Lupin - Lupinus polyphyllus 'Legendary Yellow Shades' - British Grown Herbaceous Perennial - Sprouts of Bristol
Lupin - Lupinus polyphyllus 'Legendary Yellow Shades' - British Grown Herbaceous Perennial - Sprouts of Bristol
Lupin - Lupinus polyphyllus 'Legendary Yellow Shades' - British Grown Herbaceous Perennial
Sprouts of Bristol
No hay reseñas No hay reseñas
Agotado FOR Wildlife
Granny Bonnet - Aquilegia caerulea 'Earlybird Blue & White' - British Grown Herbaceous Perennial - Sprouts of Bristol
Granny Bonnet - Aquilegia caerulea 'Earlybird Blue & White' - British Grown Herbaceous Perennial - Sprouts of Bristol
Granny Bonnet - Aquilegia caerulea 'Earlybird Blue & White' - British Grown Herbaceous Perennial
Sprouts of Bristol
Desde £5.00
No hay reseñas No hay reseñas
Agotado FOR Wildlife
Granny Bonnet - Aquilegia caerulea 'Earlybird White' - British Grown Herbaceous Perennial - Sprouts of Bristol
Granny Bonnet - Aquilegia caerulea 'Earlybird White' - British Grown Herbaceous Perennial - Sprouts of Bristol
Granny Bonnet - Aquilegia caerulea 'Earlybird White' - British Grown Herbaceous Perennial
Sprouts of Bristol
Desde £5.00
No hay reseñas No hay reseñas
Agotado FOR Wildlife