Calathea & Maranta

49 products

Pinstripe Plant - Calathea ornata 'Beauty Star' - Sprouts of Bristol
Pinstripe Plant - Calathea ornata 'Beauty Star' - Sprouts of Bristol
Calathea ornata 'Beauty Star'
Sprouts of Bristol
From £6.00
Sold Out
Purple Velvet Calathea - Calathea rufibarba - Sprouts of Bristol
Purple Velvet Calathea - Calathea rufibarba - Sprouts of Bristol
Calathea rufibarba - Purple Velvet Calathea
Sprouts of Bristol
From £12.00
Sold Out
Prayer Plant - Calathea fasciata - Sprouts of Bristol
Prayer Plant - Calathea fasciata - Sprouts of Bristol
Calathea fasciata
Sprouts of Bristol
Sold Out
Rosey Calathea - Calathea roseopicta 'Rosy' - Sprouts of Bristol
Rosey Calathea - Calathea roseopicta 'Rosy' - Sprouts of Bristol
Calathea roseopicta 'Rosy'
Sprouts of Bristol
From £6.00
Sold Out
Freddie Calathea - Calathea concinna 'Freddie' - Sprouts of Bristol
Freddie Calathea - Calathea concinna 'Freddie' - Sprouts of Bristol
Calathea concinna 'Freddie'
Sprouts of Bristol
From £6.00
Sold Out
Round Leaf Calathea - Calathea orbifolia - Sprouts of Bristol
Round Leaf Calathea - Calathea orbifolia - Sprouts of Bristol
Calathea orbifolia
Sprouts of Bristol
From £8.00
Sold Out
Medallion Calathea - Calathea roseopicta 'Dottie' - Sprouts of Bristol
Medallion Calathea - Calathea roseopicta 'Dottie' - Sprouts of Bristol
Calathea roseopicta 'Dottie'
Sprouts of Bristol
Sold Out
Ctenanthe 'Compact Star' - Never Never Plant - Sprouts of Bristol
Ctenanthe 'Compact Star' - Never Never Plant - Sprouts of Bristol
Ctenanthe 'Compact Star' - Never Never Plant
Sprouts of Bristol
Sold Out
Zebra Plant - Calathea Zebrina - Sprouts of Bristol
Zebra Plant - Calathea Zebrina - Sprouts of Bristol
Calathea zebrina - Zebra Plant
Sprouts of Bristol
From £8.00
Sold Out
Fishbone Prayer Plant - Ctenanthe burle-marxii - Sprouts of Bristol
Fishbone Prayer Plant - Ctenanthe burle-marxii - Sprouts of Bristol
Sold Out
Pink Pinstripe Plant - Calathea ornata ‘Sanderiana’ - Sprouts of Bristol
Pink Pinstripe Plant - Calathea ornata ‘Sanderiana’ - Sprouts of Bristol
Calathea ornata ‘Sanderiana’ - Pink Pinstripe
Sprouts of Bristol
From £8.00
Sold Out
Network Calathea - Calathea musaica - Sprouts of Bristol
Network Calathea - Calathea musaica - Sprouts of Bristol
Calathea musaica 'Network'
Sprouts of Bristol
From £16.00
Sold Out
Medallion Calathea - Calathea roseopicta 'Medallion' - Sprouts of Bristol
Medallion Calathea - Calathea roseopicta 'Medallion' - Sprouts of Bristol
Calathea roseopicta 'Medallion'
Sprouts of Bristol
Sold Out
Stromanthe sanguinea 'Triostar' - Sprouts of Bristol
Triostar Calathea - Stromanthe sanguinea 'Triostar' - Sprouts of Bristol
Stromanthe sanguinea 'Triostar'
Sprouts of Bristol
From £8.00
Green Velvet Calathea - Calathea rufibarba - Sprouts of Bristol
Green Velvet Calathea - Calathea rufibarba - Sprouts of Bristol
Calathea rufibarba - Green Velvet Calathea
Sprouts of Bristol
From £8.00
Sold Out
Calathea 'White Fusion' - Calathea lietzei - Sprouts of Bristol
Calathea 'White Fusion' - Calathea lietzei - Sprouts of Bristol
Calathea lietzei 'White Fusion'
Sprouts of Bristol
From £8.00
Sold Out
Calathea roseopicta 'Cora' - Sprouts of Bristol
Calathea roseopicta 'Cora' - Sprouts of Bristol
Calathea roseopicta 'Cora'
Sprouts of Bristol
Sold Out
Calathea lietzei 'Yellow Fusion' - Sprouts of Bristol
Calathea lietzei 'Yellow Fusion' - Sprouts of Bristol
Calathea lietzei 'Yellow Fusion'
Sprouts of Bristol
Sold Out
Calathea picturata 'Argentea' - Sprouts of Bristol
Calathea picturata 'Argentea' - Sprouts of Bristol
Calathea picturata 'Argentea'
Sprouts of Bristol
Sold Out
Green Medallion Calathea - Calathea Roseopicta - Sprouts of Bristol
Green Medallion Calathea - Calathea Roseopicta - Sprouts of Bristol
Calathea roseopicta - Green Medallion
Sprouts of Bristol
Sold Out
Medallion Calathea - Calathea Roseopicta 'Illustris' - Sprouts of Bristol
Medallion Calathea - Calathea Roseopicta 'Illustris' - Sprouts of Bristol
Calathea roseopicta 'Illustris'
Sprouts of Bristol
From £8.00
Sold Out
Calathea lietzei 'Greenstar' - Sprouts of Bristol
Calathea lietzei 'Greenstar' - Sprouts of Bristol
Calathea lietzei 'Greenstar'
Sprouts of Bristol
Sold Out
Calathea lietzei 'White Fusion' - British Grown - Sprouts of Bristol
Calathea lietzei 'White Fusion' - British Grown - Sprouts of Bristol
Sold Out
Medallion Calathea - Calathea roseopicta 'Apple Bee' - Sprouts of Bristol
Medallion Calathea - Calathea roseopicta 'Apple Bee' - Sprouts of Bristol
Calathea roseopicta 'Apple Bee'
Sprouts of Bristol
Sold Out
Fishbone Prayer Plant - Maranta leuoneura 'Amabilis Amagris' - Sprouts of Bristol
Fishbone Prayer Plant - Maranta leuoneura 'Amabilis Amagris' - Sprouts of Bristol
Maranta leuconeura 'Amabilis Amagris' - Fishbone Prayer Plant
Sprouts of Bristol
From £8.00
Sold Out
Fishbone Prayer Plant - Maranta leuoneura 'Amabilis' - Sprouts of Bristol
Fishbone Prayer Plant - Maranta leuoneura 'Amabilis' - Sprouts of Bristol
Sold Out
Pinstripe Plant - Calathea ornata 'Mieli' - Sprouts of Bristol
Pinstripe Plant - Calathea ornata 'Mieli' - Sprouts of Bristol
Calathea ornata 'Mieli'
Sprouts of Bristol
Calathea Magicstar - Stromanthe sanguinea 'Magicstar' - Sprouts of Bristol
Calathea Magicstar - Stromanthe sanguinea 'Magicstar' - Sprouts of Bristol
Sold Out
Jungle Velvet Calathea - Calathea warscewiczii - Sprouts of Bristol
Jungle Velvet Calathea - Calathea warscewiczii - Sprouts of Bristol
Sold Out
Leopard Plant - Calathea leopardina - Sprouts of Bristol
Leopard Plant - Calathea leopardina - Sprouts of Bristol
Calathea leopardina - Leopard Plant
Sprouts of Bristol
Sold Out
Never Never Plant - Ctenanthe setosa - Sprouts of Bristol
Never Never Plant - Ctenanthe setosa - Sprouts of Bristol
Ctenanthe setosa - Never Never Plant
Sprouts of Bristol
Sold Out
Calathea / Ctenanthe - Sprouts of Bristol
Calathea / Ctenanthe - Sprouts of Bristol
Calathea albertii
Sprouts of Bristol
Sold Out
Flamestar Calathea - Sprouts of Bristol
Flamestar Calathea - Sprouts of Bristol
Calathea veitchiana 'Flamestar'
Sprouts of Bristol
Sold Out
Eternal Flame Plant - Calathea crocata - Sprouts of Bristol
Eternal Flame Plant - Calathea crocata - Sprouts of Bristol
Calathea crocata - Eternal Flame Plant
Sprouts of Bristol
From £18.00
Sold Out
Rattlesnake Plant - Calathea lancifolia - Sprouts of Bristol
Rattlesnake Plant - Calathea lancifolia - Sprouts of Bristol
Calathea lancifolia - Rattlesnake Plant
Sprouts of Bristol
From £8.00
Sold Out
Calathea mysty - Sprouts of Bristol
Calathea mysty - Sprouts of Bristol
Calathea mysty
Sprouts of Bristol
Sold Out
Calathea elliptica 'Vittata' - Sprouts of Bristol
Calathea elliptica 'Vittata' - Sprouts of Bristol
Calathea elliptica 'Vittata'
Sprouts of Bristol
Sold Out
Never Never Plant - Ctenanthe setosa 'Green Flag' - Sprouts of Bristol
Never Never Plant - Ctenanthe setosa 'Green Flag' - Sprouts of Bristol
Ctenanthe setosa 'Green Flag' - Never Never Plant
Sprouts of Bristol
Sold Out
Never Never Plant - Ctenanthe oppenheimiana - Sprouts of Bristol
Never Never Plant - Ctenanthe oppenheimiana - Sprouts of Bristol
Ctenanthe oppenheimiana - Never Never Plant
Sprouts of Bristol
From £78.00
Sold Out
Prayer Plant - Calathea concinna ‘Freddie’ - British Grown - Sprouts of Bristol
Prayer Plant - Calathea concinna ‘Freddie’ - British Grown - Sprouts of Bristol
Sold Out
Round Leaf Calathea - Calathea orbifolia - British Grown - Sprouts of Bristol
Round Leaf Calathea - Calathea orbifolia - British Grown - Sprouts of Bristol
Calathea orbifolia - British Grown
Sprouts of Bristol
Sold Out
Medallion Calathea - Calathea roseopicta 'Medallion' - British Grown - Sprouts of Bristol
Medallion Calathea - Calathea roseopicta 'Medallion' - British Grown - Sprouts of Bristol
Sold Out
White Star Calathea - Calathea majestica 'White Star' - Sprouts of Bristol
White Star Calathea - Calathea majestica 'White Star' - Sprouts of Bristol
Calathea majestica 'White Star'
Sprouts of Bristol
Sold Out
Calathea roseopicta - Sprouts of Bristol
Calathea roseopicta - Sprouts of Bristol
Calathea roseopicta
Sprouts of Bristol
From £16.00
Sold Out
Calathea veitchiana - Sprouts of Bristol
Calathea veitchiana - Sprouts of Bristol
Calathea veitchiana
Sprouts of Bristol
From £22.00
Sold Out