
We love growing, and one of the most rewarding ways to garden is seeing that bulb you planted last autumn blooming into a gorgeous flower. We’ve picked out a few of our favourites to plant in your garden: stick them in the ground in autumn and you’ll have a riot of colour growing in spring!

16 products

Tulip - Tulipa saxatilis 'Lilac Wonder' [Bulbs] - Sprouts of Bristol
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Crocus chrysanthus 'Ard Schenk' [Bulbs] - Sprouts of Bristol
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Crocus chrysanthus 'Romance' [Bulbs] - Sprouts of Bristol
Crocus chrysanthus 'Romance' [Bulbs]
Sprouts of Bristol
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Crocus tommasinianus 'Whitewell Purple' [Bulbs] - Sprouts of Bristol
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Bluebells - Hyacinthoides non-scripta [Bulbs] - Sprouts of Bristol
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Summer Snowflakes - Leucojum aestivum [Bulbs] - Sprouts of Bristol
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Tulip - Tulip dasystemon tarda [Bulbs] - Sprouts of Bristol
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Star of Persia - Allium cristophii [Bulbs] - Sprouts of Bristol
Star of Persia - Allium cristophii [Bulbs] - Sprouts of Bristol
Sold Out FOR Wildlife
Rosy-flowered Garlic - Allium roseum [Bulbs] - Sprouts of Bristol
Sold Out FOR Wildlife
Drumsticks - Allium sphaerocephalon [Bulbs] - Sprouts of Bristol
Sold Out FOR Wildlife