Cacti, Succulents & Semi-succulents

197 products

Kalanchoe 'Variegata Multicolor' - Sprouts of Bristol
Kalanchoe 'Variegata Multicolor' - Sprouts of Bristol
Kalanchoe 'Variegata Multicolor'
Sprouts of Bristol
Schlumbergera truncata ‘Thor Pink Wild Cactus' - Sprouts of Bristol
Schlumbergera truncata ‘Thor Pink Wild Cactus' - Sprouts of Bristol
Schlumbergera truncata ‘Thor Pink Wild Cactus'
Sprouts of Bristol
Sold Out NEW IN
Schlumbergera truncata ‘Thor Wild Cactus' - Sprouts of Bristol
Schlumbergera truncata ‘Thor Wild Cactus' - Sprouts of Bristol
Schlumbergera truncata ‘Thor Wild Cactus'
Sprouts of Bristol
Sold Out NEW IN
Schlumbergera - Yellow Holiday Cactus - Sprouts of Bristol
Schlumbergera - Yellow Holiday Cactus
Sprouts of Bristol
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Aeschynanthus 'Swing' - Lipstick Plant - Sprouts of Bristol
Aeschynanthus 'Swing' - Lipstick Plant - Sprouts of Bristol
Aeschynanthus 'Swing' - Lipstick Plant
Sprouts of Bristol
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Kalanchoe fedtschenkoi variegata - Variegated Lavender Scallops - Sprouts of Bristol
Kalanchoe fedtschenkoi variegata - Variegated Lavender Scallops - Sprouts of Bristol
Sold Out
Aloinopsis schooneesii - Living Stone - Sprouts of Bristol
Aloinopsis schooneesii - Living Stone - Sprouts of Bristol
Aloinopsis schooneesii - Living Stone
Sprouts of Bristol
Crassula 'Tarantula' - Sprouts of Bristol
Crassula 'Tarantula' - Sprouts of Bristol
Crassula 'Tarantula'
Sprouts of Bristol
Sold Out
Kalanchoe blossfeldiana - Peachy Orange Flaming Katy - Sprouts of Bristol
Kalanchoe blossfeldiana - Peachy Orange Flaming Katy - Sprouts of Bristol
Kalanchoe blossfeldiana - Peachy Orange Flaming Katy
Sprouts of Bristol
Sold Out
Kalanchoe blossfeldiana - Scarlet Red Flaming Katy - Sprouts of Bristol
Kalanchoe blossfeldiana - Scarlet Red Flaming Katy - Sprouts of Bristol
Kalanchoe blossfeldiana - Scarlet Red Flaming Katy
Sprouts of Bristol
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Kalanchoe blossfeldiana - Fuchsia Pink Flaming Katy - Sprouts of Bristol
Kalanchoe blossfeldiana - Fuchsia Pink Flaming Katy - Sprouts of Bristol
Kalanchoe blossfeldiana - Fuchsia Pink Flaming Katy
Sprouts of Bristol
Sold Out
Kalanchoe blossfeldiana - Mandarin Orange Flaming Katy - Sprouts of Bristol
Kalanchoe blossfeldiana - Mandarin Orange Flaming Katy - Sprouts of Bristol
Sold Out
Gymnocalycium mihanovichii - Rose Pink Moon Cactus - Sprouts of Bristol
Gymnocalycium mihanovichii - Rose Pink Moon Cactus - Sprouts of Bristol
Gymnocalycium mihanovichii - Rose Pink Moon Cactus
Sprouts of Bristol
From £7.00
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Gymnocalycium mihanovichii - Red and Yellow Moon Cactus - Sprouts of Bristol
Gymnocalycium mihanovichii - Red and Yellow Moon Cactus - Sprouts of Bristol
Gymnocalycium mihanovichii - Red and Yellow Moon Cactus
Sprouts of Bristol
From £7.00
Sold Out
Gymnocalycium mihanovichii - Green Moon Cactus - Sprouts of Bristol
Gymnocalycium mihanovichii - Green Moon Cactus - Sprouts of Bristol
Gymnocalycium mihanovichii - Green Moon Cactus
Sprouts of Bristol
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Gymnocalycium mihanovichii - Yellow Moon Cactus - Sprouts of Bristol
Gymnocalycium mihanovichii - Yellow Moon Cactus - Sprouts of Bristol
Gymnocalycium mihanovichii - Yellow Moon Cactus
Sprouts of Bristol
From £7.00
Sold Out
Gymnocalycium mihanovichii 'Japan Red' - Moon Cactus - Sprouts of Bristol
Gymnocalycium mihanovichii 'Japan Red' - Moon Cactus - Sprouts of Bristol
Gymnocalycium mihanovichii 'Japan Red' - Moon Cactus
Sprouts of Bristol
From £7.00
Sold Out
Lithops - Living Stones - Sprouts of Bristol
Lithops - Living Stones - Sprouts of Bristol
Lithops karasmontana - Living Stones
Sprouts of Bristol
From £5.00
Sold Out
Schlumbergera 'Purple Brazil' - Sprouts of Bristol
Schlumbergera 'Purple Brazil' - Sprouts of Bristol
Schlumbergera 'Purple Brazil'
Sprouts of Bristol
From £8.00
Sold Out
Schlumbergera 'White Brazil' - Sprouts of Bristol
Schlumbergera 'White Brazil' - Sprouts of Bristol
Schlumbergera 'White Brazil'
Sprouts of Bristol
From £8.00
Sold Out
Schlumbergera 'Pink Brazil' - Sprouts of Bristol
Schlumbergera 'Pink Brazil' - Sprouts of Bristol
Schlumbergera 'Pink Brazil'
Sprouts of Bristol
On Sale from £6.00
Up to -25%
Peperomia clusiifolia 'Jellie' - Sprouts of Bristol
Peperomia clusiifolia 'Jellie' - Sprouts of Bristol
Peperomia clusiifolia 'Jellie'
Sprouts of Bristol
Sold Out
Haworthia limifolia 'Spider White' - Sprouts of Bristol
Haworthia limifolia 'Spider White' - Sprouts of Bristol
Haworthia limifolia 'Spider White'
Sprouts of Bristol
Sold Out
Agave potatorum variegata 'Ouhi - Raijin' - Sprouts of Bristol
Agave potatorum variegata 'Ouhi - Raijin' - Sprouts of Bristol
Agave potatorum variegata 'Ouhi-Raijin'
Sprouts of Bristol
Adenium obesum - Desert Rose - Sprouts of Bristol
Adenium obesum - Desert Rose - Sprouts of Bristol
Adenium obesum - Desert Rose
Sprouts of Bristol
Sold Out
Adromischus cooperii - Sprouts of Bristol
Adromischus cooperii - Sprouts of Bristol
Adromischus cooperii
Sprouts of Bristol
Sold Out
Faucaria tigrina - Tiger Jaws - Sprouts of Bristol
Faucaria tigrina - Tiger Jaws - Sprouts of Bristol
Faucaria tigrina - Tiger Jaws
Sprouts of Bristol
Sold Out
Frithia pulchra - Fairy Elephant's feet - Sprouts of Bristol
Frithia pulchra - Fairy Elephant's feet - Sprouts of Bristol
Frithia pulchra - Fairy Elephant's Feet
Sprouts of Bristol
Sold Out
Titanopsis calcarea - Concrete Leaf - Sprouts of Bristol
Titanopsis calcarea - Concrete Leaf - Sprouts of Bristol
Titanopsis calcarea - Concrete Leaf
Sprouts of Bristol
Sold Out
Queen of the Night Cactus - Epiphyllum oxypetalum - Sprouts of Bristol
Queen of the Night Cactus - Epiphyllum oxypetalum - Sprouts of Bristol
Queen of the Night Cactus - Epiphyllum oxypetalum
Sprouts of Bristol
Sold Out
Peperomia clusiifolia 'Isabella' - Sprouts of Bristol
Peperomia clusiifolia 'Isabella' - Sprouts of Bristol
Peperomia clusiifolia 'Isabella'
Sprouts of Bristol
Sold Out
Variegated Baby Rubberplant - Peperomia obtusifolia `Variegata'
Variegated Baby Rubberplant - Peperomia obtusifolia `Variegata' - Sprouts of Bristol
Sold Out
Monkey Tail Cactus - Cleistocactus colademononis - Sprouts of Bristol
Monkey Tail Cactus - Cleistocactus colademononis - Sprouts of Bristol
Monkey Tail Cactus - Cleistocactus colademononis
Sprouts of Bristol
From £5.00
Sold Out
Radiator Plant - Peperomia caperata 'Red' - Sprouts of Bristol
Radiator Plant - Peperomia caperata 'Red' - Sprouts of Bristol
Radiator Plant - Peperomia caperata 'Red'
Sprouts of Bristol
From £7.00
Sold Out
Radiator Plant - Peperomia caperata ‘Silver’ - Sprouts of Bristol
Radiator Plant - Peperomia caperata ‘Silver’ - Sprouts of Bristol
Radiator Plant - Peperomia caperata ‘Silver’
Sprouts of Bristol
From £7.00
Sold Out
Balloon Cactus - Notocactus warasii - Sprouts of Bristol
Balloon Cactus - Notocactus warasii - Sprouts of Bristol
Balloon Cactus - Notocactus warasii
Sprouts of Bristol
From £5.00
Sold Out
Cereus peruvianus 'Coral' f. cristata - Sprouts of Bristol
Cereus peruvianus 'Coral' f. cristata - Sprouts of Bristol
Cereus peruvianus 'Coral' f. cristata
Sprouts of Bristol
From £8.00
Sold Out
Old Man Cactus - Austrocephalocereus dybowskii - Sprouts of Bristol
Old Man Cactus - Austrocephalocereus dybowskii - Sprouts of Bristol
Old Man Cactus - Austrocephalocereus dybowskii
Sprouts of Bristol
From £5.00
Sold Out
Echeveria affinis - Sprouts of Bristol
Echeveria affinis - Sprouts of Bristol
Echeveria affinis
Sprouts of Bristol
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Purple Pricky Pear - Opuntia violacea 'Lianne' - Sprouts of Bristol
Purple Pricky Pear - Opuntia violacea 'Lianne' - Sprouts of Bristol
Purple Pricky Pear - Opuntia violacea 'Lianne'
Sprouts of Bristol
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Forest Cactus - Rhipsalis floccosa - Sprouts of Bristol
Forest Cactus - Rhipsalis floccosa - Sprouts of Bristol
Forest Cactus - Rhipsalis floccosa
Sprouts of Bristol
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Toothpick Cactus - Stetsonia coryne canarias - Sprouts of Bristol
Toothpick Cactus - Stetsonia coryne canarias - Sprouts of Bristol
Toothpick Cactus - Stetsonia coryne canarias
Sprouts of Bristol
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Xique-Xique Cactus - Pilosocereus gounellei - Sprouts of Bristol
Xique-Xique Cactus - Pilosocereus gounellei - Sprouts of Bristol
Xique-Xique Cactus - Pilosocereus gounellei
Sprouts of Bristol
Sold Out
Cotyledon orbiculata 'Rudolph's Andler' - Sprouts of Bristol
Cotyledon orbiculata 'Rudolph's Andler' - Sprouts of Bristol
Cotyledon orbiculata 'Rudolph's Andler'
Sprouts of Bristol
From £5.00
Sold Out
Crassula orbicularis var. rosularis - Sprouts of Bristol
Crassula orbicularis var. rosularis - Sprouts of Bristol
Crassula orbicularis var. rosularis
Sprouts of Bristol
From £8.00
Sold Out
Forest Cactus - Rhipsalis crispata - Sprouts of Bristol
Forest Cactus - Rhipsalis crispata - Sprouts of Bristol
Forest Cactus - Rhipsalis crispata
Sprouts of Bristol
From £18.00
Forest Cactus - Lepismium pulvinigerum - Sprouts of Bristol
Forest Cactus - Lepismium pulvinigerum - Sprouts of Bristol
Forest Cactus - Lepismium pulvinigerum
Sprouts of Bristol
From £45.00
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