Hardy Upright Fuchsia - Fuchsia 'Spion Kop' - British Grown

Sprouts of Bristol
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This fuchsia's distinctively-shaped flowers bloom from June to October. Hardy throughout the UK down to -15°C.

Although this shrub is deciduous, meaning it will drop its leaves over winter, it will come back blooming the following spring. This plant can flourish both in the ground and in a large pot, making it suitable for many types of outdoor space. Over the course of five years, these shrubs can grow up to a metre in height and half a metre in width; pruning back in spring and making sure they have nice fertile soil will help you keep your shrub bushy and healthy!

Deciduous Shrub
Flowering Shrub
Flowering June to October, foliage spring to autumn.

Scientific Name
Fuchsia (Fuchs' plan)

Common Name
Bus Fuchsia,

Native to South and Central America

Pruning Tips
Pinch out the growing tips after the sixth or seventh new pair of leaves- this will help it grow healthy and bushy! Prune back in Spring before new growth starts.

Wildlife Value
Fuchsia provide forage for moth caterpillars, especially the Elephant Hawk Moth.

Place in full sun to partial shade, preferably with shelter from the wind.

Water in dry weather.

Grow in moist, fertile, well-draining soil; can grow in most types of soil.

Fertilise once a month with a balanced fertiliser. If your plant is struggling to flower, a fertiliser high in potash, such as tomato feed, may help balance the nutrients it's getting.

Yes- no toxicity reported, though it's best for the plant and your pets if they don't nibble too much! The fruit on this plant is not recommended for eating.

Sprouts Top Tips
Hardy Fuchsias like this one don't like being moved, so make sure you've picked a good spot when you plant it: soil where it can drain, plenty of sun but not so much that it will scorch, and not too exposed as wind can blow the flowers away!

Did you know: Fuchsias are pollinated by hummingbirds in their natural habitat!



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