Whether you are in love with the woodland aesthetic or just looking for the perfect plant for a shady, damp bathroom, this group of plants is the shining beacon of greenery you need. From the classic Boston Fern to the stunning Asparagus Fern, from the Blue Star to the Eyelash, there’s plenty of variety in this group of plants too. To find out which ferns are our favourites - and which we find the easiest to grow - go and read our blog post. And then head back here to browse our lovely selection of ferns and pick out your own favourite.
98 Produkte

Hirschfarn - Blechnum spicant - In Großbritannien angebaut - winterharter immergrüner Farn
Sprouts of Bristol

Fuchsschwanzfarn - Asparagus densiflorus 'Sprengeri' - in Großbritannien angebaut
Sprouts of Bristol
ab £5.00
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