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72 Produkte

Forest Cactus - Lepismium bolivianum - Sprouts of Bristol
Forest Cactus - Lepismium bolivianum - Sprouts of Bristol
Waldkaktus - Lepismium bolivianum
Sprouts of Bristol
ab £28.00
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Swiss Cheese Plant - Monstera deliciosa - Sprouts of Bristol
Swiss Cheese Plant - Monstera deliciosa - Sprouts of Bristol
Monstera (Monstera deliciosa)
Sprouts of Bristol
ab £8.00
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 (1)
Bird of Paradise - Strelitzia nicolai - Sprouts of Bristol
Bird of Paradise - Strelitzia nicolai - Sprouts of Bristol
Riesiger weißer Paradiesvogel - Strelitzia nicolai
Sprouts of Bristol
ab £38.00
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Paper Plant - Fatsia japonica - Sprouts of Bristol
Paper Plant - Fatsia japonica - Sprouts of Bristol
Papierpflanze - Fatsia japonica
Sprouts of Bristol
ab £7.00
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Philodendron lacerum - Sprouts of Bristol
Philodendron lacerum - Sprouts of Bristol
Baumphilodendron - Philodendron bipinnatifidum / selloum
Sprouts of Bristol
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Fernleaf Cactus - Epiphyllum chrysocardium - Sprouts of Bristol
Fernleaf Cactus - Epiphyllum chrysocardium - Sprouts of Bristol
Farnblattkaktus - Epiphyllum chrysocardium
Sprouts of Bristol
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 (1)
Boston Fern - Nephrolepis exaltata 'Green Lady' - Sprouts of Bristol
Boston Fern - Nephrolepis exaltata 'Green Lady' - Sprouts of Bristol
Schwertfarn - Nephrolepis exaltata 'Green Lady'
Sprouts of Bristol
ab £10.00
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Variegated Candelabra Cactus - Euphorbia erytrea variegata - Sprouts of Bristol
Variegated Candelabra Cactus - Euphorbia erytrea variegata - Sprouts of Bristol
Buntblättriger Kandelaberkaktus - Euphorbia erytrea variegata
Sprouts of Bristol
ab £80.00
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Desert Cactus - Euphorbia erytrea - Sprouts of Bristol
Desert Cactus - Euphorbia erytrea - Sprouts of Bristol
Wüstenkaktus - Euphorbia erytrea
Sprouts of Bristol
ab £45.00
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Kentia Palm - Howea forsteriana - Sprouts of Bristol
Kentia Palm - Howea forsteriana - Sprouts of Bristol
Kentia-Palme - Howea forsteriana
Sprouts of Bristol
ab £55.00
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Variegated Rubber Tree - Ficus elastica 'Tineke' - Sprouts of Bristol
Variegated Rubber Tree - Ficus elastica 'Tineke' - Sprouts of Bristol
Buntgummibaum - Ficus elastica 'Tineke'
Sprouts of Bristol
ab £10.00
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 (1)
Monstera 'Burle Marx Flame' - Sprouts of Bristol
Monstera 'Burle Marx Flame' - Sprouts of Bristol
Monstera 'Burle Marx Flame'
Sprouts of Bristol
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Monstera deliciosa 'Aurea' - Sprouts of Bristol
Monstera deliciosa 'Aurea' - Sprouts of Bristol
Monstera deliciosa 'Aurea'
Sprouts of Bristol
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Monstera deliciosa 'Thai Constellation' - Sprouts of Bristol
Monstera deliciosa 'Thai Constellation' - Sprouts of Bristol
Monstera deliciosa 'Thai Constellation'
Sprouts of Bristol
ab £42.00
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Queen of the Night Cactus - Epiphyllum oxypetalum - Sprouts of Bristol
Queen of the Night Cactus - Epiphyllum oxypetalum - Sprouts of Bristol
Königin der Nachtkaktus - Epiphyllum pumilum
Sprouts of Bristol
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 (1)
Forest Cactus - Lepismium pulvinigerum - Sprouts of Bristol
Forest Cactus - Lepismium pulvinigerum - Sprouts of Bristol
Waldkaktus - Lepismium pulvinigerum
Sprouts of Bristol
ab £45.00
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Nackter blauer Fasskaktus - Ferocactus glaucescens inermis
Sprouts of Bristol
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Curly Locks Orchid Cactus - Epiphyllum guatemalense monstruosa - Sprouts of Bristol
Curly Locks Orchid Cactus - Epiphyllum guatemalense monstruosa - Sprouts of Bristol
Curly Locks Orchideenkaktus - Epiphyllum guatemalense monstruosa
Sprouts of Bristol
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 (1)
Ficus benjamina 'Exotica' - Weeping Fig - Sprouts of Bristol
Ficus benjamina 'Exotica' - Weeping Fig - Sprouts of Bristol
Birkenfeige - Ficus benjamina 'Exotica'
Sprouts of Bristol
ab £12.00
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Peace Lily - Spathiphyllum 'Sweet Silvio' - Sprouts of Bristol
Peace Lily - Spathiphyllum 'Sweet Silvio' - Sprouts of Bristol
Friedenslilie - Spathiphyllum 'Sweet Silvio'
Sprouts of Bristol
ab £14.00
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Chestnut Vine - Tetrastigma voinierianum - Sprouts of Bristol
Chestnut Vine - Tetrastigma voinierianum - Sprouts of Bristol
Edelkastanienwein - Tetrastigma voinierianum
Sprouts of Bristol
ab £140.00
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Homalomena rubescens 'Lemon Lime' - Sprouts of Bristol
Homalomena rubescens 'Lemon Lime' - Sprouts of Bristol
Homalomena rubescens 'Zitronenlimette'
Sprouts of Bristol
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Pink Quill Plant - Tillandsia cyanea - Sprouts of Bristol
Pink Quill Plant - Tillandsia cyanea - Sprouts of Bristol
Rosa Federkielpflanze - Tillandsia cyanea
Sprouts of Bristol
ab £5.00
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 (2)
Yucca elephantipes - British Grown - Sprouts of Bristol
Yucca elephantipes - British Grown - Sprouts of Bristol
Yucca elephantipes – in Großbritannien angebaut
Sprouts of Bristol
ab £12.00
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African Fig - Ficus cyathistipula - Sprouts of Bristol
African Fig - Ficus cyathistipula - Sprouts of Bristol
Afrikanische Feige - Ficus cyathistipula
Sprouts of Bristol
ab £28.00
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Peace Lily - Spathiphyllum 'Sweet Sebastiano' - Sprouts of Bristol
Peace Lily - Spathiphyllum 'Sweet Sebastiano' - Sprouts of Bristol
Friedenslilie - Spathiphyllum 'Sweet Sebastiano'
Sprouts of Bristol
ab £32.00
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Philodendron goeldii 'Fun Bun' - Thaumatophyllum spruceanum - Sprouts of Bristol
Philodendron goeldii 'Fun Bun' - Thaumatophyllum spruceanum
Sprouts of Bristol
ab £36.00
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Golden Vein Plant - Sanchezia nobilis - British Grown - Sprouts of Bristol
Golden Vein Plant - Sanchezia nobilis - British Grown - Sprouts of Bristol
Golden Vein-Pflanze – Sanchezia nobilis – britischer Anbau
Sprouts of Bristol
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Caricature Plant - Graptophyllum pictum - British Grown - Sprouts of Bristol
Caricature Plant - Graptophyllum pictum - British Grown - Sprouts of Bristol
Karikaturpflanze - Graptophyllum pictum - Britischer Anbau
Sprouts of Bristol
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Weeping Fig - Ficus benjamina 'Exotica'- British Grown - Sprouts of Bristol
Weeping Fig - Ficus benjamina 'Exotica'- British Grown - Sprouts of Bristol
Birkenfeige - Ficus benjamina 'Exotica' - Britischer Anbau
Sprouts of Bristol
ab £12.00
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Lofty Fig - Ficus altissima - British Grown - Sprouts of Bristol
Lofty Fig - Ficus altissima - British Grown - Sprouts of Bristol
Erhabene Feige - Ficus altissima - Britischer Anbau
Sprouts of Bristol
ab £12.00
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Swiss Cheese Plant - Monstera deliciosa - British Grown - Sprouts of Bristol
Swiss Cheese Plant - Monstera deliciosa - British Grown - Sprouts of Bristol
Monstera deliciosa - Monstera deliciosa - Britischer Anbau
Sprouts of Bristol
ab £22.00
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Fiddle-Leaf Fig - Ficus lyrata - British Grown - Sprouts of Bristol
Fiddle-Leaf Fig - Ficus lyrata - British Grown - Sprouts of Bristol
Geigenblattfeige - Ficus lyrata - Britischer Anbau
Sprouts of Bristol
ab £45.00
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Long Leafed Fig - Ficus binnendiijkii 'Alii' - British Grown - Sprouts of Bristol
Long Leafed Fig - Ficus binnendiijkii 'Alii' - British Grown - Sprouts of Bristol
Langblättrige Feige - Ficus binnendiijkii 'Alii' - Britischer Anbau
Sprouts of Bristol
ab £12.00
Rating: 4.0 out of 5 (1)
Philodendron 'New Red' - Sprouts of Bristol
Philodendron 'New Red' - Sprouts of Bristol
Philodendron „New Red“
Sprouts of Bristol
ab £48.00
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Pencil Cactus - Euphorbia tirucalli - Sprouts of Bristol
Pencil Cactus - Euphorbia tirucalli - Sprouts of Bristol
Bleistiftkaktus - Euphorbia tirucalli
Sprouts of Bristol
ab £24.00
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