Gifts under £50

You’re looking for a Nice Present but not looking to break the bank - here are some ideas for gifts that come in under £50 for that sweet spot. Whether you’re looking for a fancy plant for the plant lover in your life, or a beautiful pot for their favourite plant, we have ideas… and if you’re looking more on the homewares angle, why not check out our large art prints, or deliciously fragrant St Eval reed diffusers? We have plenty of gift sets in this price bracket too, so if in doubt, give those a browse for stellar gift ideas too.

148 Produkte

Wild Rhubarb Candle in Ceramic Artist Pot - Sprouts of Bristol
Wild Rhubarb Candle in Ceramic Artist Pot - Sprouts of Bristol
Wild Rhubarb Candle in Ceramic Artist Pot
St Eval
Regulärer Preis £13.50
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Vintage Rose Candle in Ceramic Artist Pot - Sprouts of Bristol
Vintage Rose Candle in Ceramic Artist Pot - Sprouts of Bristol
Vintage Rose Candle in Ceramic Artist Pot
St Eval
Regulärer Preis £13.50
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Sweet Pea Scented Tealights - Sprouts of Bristol
Sweet Pea Scented Tealights - Sprouts of Bristol
Sweet Pea Scented Tealights
St Eval
Regulärer Preis £9.99
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Olive Green 7/8" x 10" Church Dinner Candles - Sprouts of Bristol
Olive Green 7/8" x 10" Church Dinner Candles - Sprouts of Bristol
Olivgrüne 7/8" x 10" Kirchenkerzen
St Eval
Regulärer Preisab £2.99
Rating: 5.0 out of 5
Lavender Fields Scented Tin Candle - Sprouts of Bristol
Lavender Fields Scented Tin Candle - Sprouts of Bristol
Duftkerze in Dose mit Lavendelduft
St Eval
Regulärer Preis £14.99
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Granite & Moss, Scented Coloured Pillar Candle - Sprouts of Bristol
Granite & Moss, Scented Coloured Pillar Candle - Sprouts of Bristol
Duft-Stumpenkerze „Moss, Folk“, 7,6 x 10,2 cm
St Eval
Regulärer Preis £15.99
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Geranium Leaf, Scented Coloured Pillar Candle - Sprouts of Bristol
Geranium Leaf, Scented Coloured Pillar Candle - Sprouts of Bristol
Duft-Stumpenkerze „Summer Folk“ mit Geranienduft, 7,6 x 10,2 cm
St Eval
Regulärer Preis £15.99
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Fig Tree Scented Tin Candle - Sprouts of Bristol
Fig Tree Scented Tin Candle - Sprouts of Bristol
Duftkerze in Dose mit Feigenbaum-Motiv
St Eval
Regulärer Preis £14.99
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Embers, Scented Coloured Pillar Candle - Sprouts of Bristol
Embers, Scented Coloured Pillar Candle - Sprouts of Bristol
Embers, Scented Coloured Pillar Candle
St Eval
Regulärer Preis £15.99
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Embers Scented Tin Candle - Sprouts of Bristol
Embers Scented Tin Candle - Sprouts of Bristol
Duftkerze „Embers“ in Dose
St Eval
Regulärer Preis £14.99
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Sandalwood, Scented Coloured Pillar Candle - Sprouts of Bristol
Sandalwood, Scented Coloured Pillar Candle - Sprouts of Bristol
Sandalwood, Scented Coloured Pillar Candle
St Eval
Regulärer Preis £15.99
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Sprouts e - Gift Card - Sprouts of Bristol
Sprouts e - Gift Card - Sprouts of Bristol
E-Geschenkkarte von Sprouts
Sprouts of Bristol
Regulärer Preisab £10.00
Rating: 5.0 out of 5
Sprouts of Bristol Physical Gift Vouchers - Sprouts of Bristol
Sprouts of Bristol Physical Gift Vouchers - Sprouts of Bristol
Physische Geschenkgutscheine von Sprouts of Bristol
Sprouts of Bristol
Regulärer Preisab £10.00
Rating: 5.0 out of 5
Bird Mix Seedball Tin - Sprouts of Bristol
Bird Mix Seedball Tin - Sprouts of Bristol
Vogelmischung Samenkugel Dose
Regulärer Preis £6.50
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Pink Pinstripe Plant - Calathea ornata ‘Sanderiana’ - Sprouts of Bristol
Pink Pinstripe Plant - Calathea ornata ‘Sanderiana’ - Sprouts of Bristol
Rosa Nadelstreifenpflanze - Calathea ornata 'Sanderiana'
Sprouts of Bristol
Regulärer Preisab £8.00
Rating: 5.0 out of 5
The Little Gardener Book - Sprouts of Bristol
The Little Gardener Book - Sprouts of Bristol
Das kleine Gärtnerbuch
Julie A. Cerny
Regulärer Preis £18.99
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Leaf Tea Towel - Sprouts of Bristol
Leaf Tea Towel - Sprouts of Bristol
Geschirrtuch mit Blättern
Studio Wald
Regulärer Preis £12.95
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Sunflower Tea Towel - Sprouts of Bristol
Sunflower Tea Towel - Sprouts of Bristol
Geschirrtuch mit Sonnenblumenmotiv
Studio Wald
Regulärer Preis £12.95
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Hawkesbury Hand Fork - Sprouts of Bristol
Hawkesbury Handgabel
Garden Trading
Regulärer Preis £12.00
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Tranquillity Scented Tealights - Sprouts of Bristol
Tranquillity Scented Tealights - Sprouts of Bristol
Duftteelichter „Tranquillity“
St Eval
Regulärer Preis £9.99
Rating: 5.0 out of 5
Pet Friendly Mystery Plant Bundle | Subscription Available | House Plant Lucky Dip Gift Set - Sprouts of Bristol
The Pet Friendly Plant Bundle - Sprouts of Bristol
Hanging & Trailing Mystery Plant Bundle | Subscription Available | House Plant Lucky Dip Gift Set - Sprouts of Bristol
The Hanging & Trailing Plant Bundle - Sprouts of Bristol
Cow Riso Art Print - Sprouts of Bristol
Cow Riso Art Print - Sprouts of Bristol
Kuh-Riso Kunstdruck
Regulärer Preisab £15.00
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Peacock Butterfly & Caterpillar Keyring - Made From Recycled Plastic - Sprouts of Bristol
Peacock butterfly and caterpillar recycled keychain - Sprouts of Bristol
Schlüsselanhänger mit Pfauenauge und Raupe
Ferne Creative
Regulärer Preis £10.00
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Swallowtail Butterfly & Caterpillar Keyring - Sprouts of Bristol
Swallowtail Butterfly & Caterpillar Keyring - Sprouts of Bristol
Schlüsselanhänger Schwalbenschwanz Schmetterling & Raupe
Ferne Creative
Regulärer Preis £10.00
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Kingfisher Keyring - Sprouts of Bristol
Kingfisher Keyring - Sprouts of Bristol
Eisvogel Schlüsselanhänger
Ferne Creative
Regulärer Preis £10.00
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Major Oak Original Lino Cut Print - Sprouts of Bristol
Major Oak Original Linolschnitt Druck
Stacey McEvoy Caunt
Regulärer Preis £30.00
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Tallulah - Sprouts of Bristol
Tallulah Riso Kunstdruck
Regulärer Preis £15.00
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Long Dog Illustrated Bookmark with Tassel - Sprouts of Bristol
Long Dog Illustrated Bookmark with Tassel - Sprouts of Bristol
Langes Lesezeichen mit Hundemotiv und Quaste
The Tiny Toucan
Regulärer Preis £3.50
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Ivory 7/8" x 10" Church Dinner Candles - Sprouts of Bristol
Ivory 7/8" x 10" Church Dinner Candles - Sprouts of Bristol
Elfenbeinfarbene 7/8" x 10" Kirchenkerzen
St Eval
Regulärer Preisab £2.99
Rating: 3.0 out of 5
Atlantic Green 7/8" x 10" Church Dinner Candles - Sprouts of Bristol
Atlantic Green 7/8" x 10" Church Dinner Candles - Sprouts of Bristol
Atlantic Green 7/8" x 10" Kirchenkerzen
St Eval
Regulärer Preisab £2.99
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Yellow Ochre 7/8" x 10" Church Dinner Candles - Sprouts of Bristol
Yellow Ochre 7/8" x 10" Church Dinner Candles - Sprouts of Bristol
Ockergelbe 7/8" x 10" Kirchenkerzen
St Eval
Regulärer Preisab £2.99
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Rose Quartz Pink 7/8" x 10" Church Dinner Candles - Sprouts of Bristol
Rose Quartz Pink 7/8" x 10" Church Dinner Candles - Sprouts of Bristol
Rosenquarz-Pink, 7/8 x 10 Zoll, Kirchenkerzen
St Eval
Regulärer Preisab £2.99
Rating: 3.0 out of 5
Bay & Rosemary Diffuser Refill - Sprouts of Bristol
Bay & Rosemary Diffuser Refill - Sprouts of Bristol
Nachfüllpackung für den Diffusor „Lorbeer & Rosmarin“
St Eval
Regulärer Preis £14.99
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Sea Salt Scented Tin Candle - Sprouts of Bristol
Sea Salt Scented Tin Candle - Sprouts of Bristol
Duftkerze in Dose mit Meersalz-Duft
St Eval
Regulärer Preis £14.99
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Bergamot & Nettle Scented Tin Candle - Sprouts of Bristol
Bergamot & Nettle Scented Tin Candle - Sprouts of Bristol
Duftkerze in Dose mit Bergamotte- und Brennnesselduft
St Eval
Regulärer Preis £14.99
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Geranium Leaf Scented Tealights - Sprouts of Bristol
Geranium Leaf Scented Tealights - Sprouts of Bristol
Teelichter „Summer Folk“ mit Geranienduft
St Eval
Regulärer Preis £9.99
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Mushroom Grey 7/8" x 10" Church Dinner Candles - Sprouts of Bristol
Mushroom Grey 7/8" x 10" Church Dinner Candles - Sprouts of Bristol
Pilzgraue 7/8" x 10" Kirchenkerzen
St Eval
Regulärer Preisab £2.99
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Baby Plant Mystery Bundle | Subscription Available | House Plant Lucky Dip Gift Set - Sprouts of Bristol
The Baby Plant Bundle - Sprouts of Bristol
Baby Plant Mystery Bundle | Abonnement verfügbar | Zimmerpflanzen-Geschenkset
Sprouts of Bristol
Regulärer Preis £20.00
Rating: 5.0 out of 5
Orange & Cinnamon Scented Tin Candle - Sprouts of Bristol
Orange & Cinnamon Scented Tin Candle - Sprouts of Bristol
Duftkerze in Dose mit Orangen- und Zimtduft
St Eval
Regulärer Preis £14.99
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Bright Pink 7/8" x 10" Church Dinner Candles - Sprouts of Bristol
Bright Pink 7/8" x 10" Church Dinner Candles - Sprouts of Bristol
Hellrosa 7/8" x 10" Kirchenkerzen
St Eval
Regulärer Preisab £2.99
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Woodland Green 7/8" x 10" Church Dinner Candles - Sprouts of Bristol
Woodland Green 7/8" x 10" Church Dinner Candles - Sprouts of Bristol
Woodland Green 7/8" x 10" Kirchenkerzen
St Eval
Regulärer Preisab £2.99
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Bedruthan Blue 7/8" x 10" Church Dinner Candles - Sprouts of Bristol
Bedruthan Blue 7/8" x 10" Church Dinner Candles - Sprouts of Bristol
Bedruthan Blue 7/8" x 10" Kirchenkerzen
St Eval
Regulärer Preisab £2.99
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Terracotta Orange 7/8" x 10" Church Dinner Candles - Sprouts of Bristol
Terracotta Orange 7/8" x 10" Church Dinner Candles - Sprouts of Bristol
Terrakotta-Orange 7/8" x 10" Kirchen-Dinnerkerzen
St Eval
Regulärer Preisab £2.99
Rating: 5.0 out of 5
Burgundy Red 7/8" x 10" Church Dinner Candles - Sprouts of Bristol
Burgundy Red 7/8" x 10" Church Dinner Candles - Sprouts of Bristol
Burgunderrote 7/8" x 10" Kirchenkerzen
St Eval
Regulärer Preisab £2.99
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Charcoal Black 7/8" x 10" Church Dinner Candles - Sprouts of Bristol
Charcoal Black 7/8" x 10" Church Dinner Candles - Sprouts of Bristol
Anthrazitschwarze 7/8" x 10" Kirchenkerzen
St Eval
Regulärer Preisab £2.99
Keine Bewertungen
Seedball Wildflower Grab Bags - Annuals Mix - Sprouts of Bristol
Seedball Wildblumen-Wundertüten - Einjährige Mischung
Regulärer Preis £15.00
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Iridescent Stained Glass Mushroom Suncatcher Plant Stake - Sprouts of Bristol
Iridescent Stained Glass Mushroom Suncatcher Plant Stake - Sprouts of Bristol
Schillernder Sonnenfänger aus Buntglas mit Pilzmotiv
Rays of Hope
Regulärer Preis £24.00
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The Original Bee Revival Kit Keyring - Sprouts of Bristol
The Original Bee Revival Kit Keyring - Sprouts of Bristol
Das Original Bee Revival Kit: Anthrazitgrau
Beevive Ltd
Regulärer Preis £11.99
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