Anniversary Gifts

For the one that you love, or the two whose special day you have fond memories of, find the perfect gift here at Sprouts! From first anniversary paper garlands (we are in love with East End Press’ designs) or a flowering plant for year number four, to ceramic candle holders for the 18th or a gorgeous plant with silver variegation for the 25th, we have plenty of ideas. Some of them are planty, some of them are just downright gorgeous - as I’m sure the lovely couple are too.

3 Produkte

Chinese Evergreen - Aglaonema ‘Maria' - Sprouts of Bristol
Chinese Evergreen - Aglaonema ‘Maria' - Sprouts of Bristol
Hearts Sewn Garland - Sprouts of Bristol
Hearts Sewn Garland - Sprouts of Bristol
Girlande mit aufgenähten Herzen
East End Press
Peace Lily - Spathiphyllum 'Sweet Sebastiano' - Sprouts of Bristol
Peace Lily - Spathiphyllum 'Sweet Sebastiano' - Sprouts of Bristol