Cardinal Flower - Lobelia 'Starship Rose' - British Grown Perennial

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- Perennial.
- Can be used as a bedding plant or placed in a container; works great in a hanging basket as the plant will cascade over the edge. 
- Flowers from late summer to autumn. 
- Plant in full sun to partial shade. 
- Plant in fertile, moist soil; can work well in a bog area.
- Water regularly to keep the soil consistently moist. 
- Feed throughout spring and summer. 
- Deadhead waning flowers to promote further blooms. 
- Cut back in autumn. 
- Slugs love the new growth in spring so they may need some protection. 
- Semi-hardy; plant in a sheltered spot or give some protection in winter.
- Toxic if ingested so keep away from pets and children. 


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