All plants including out of stock

2277 products

Venus Slipper Orchid - Paphiopedilum 'Pinocchio' - Sprouts of Bristol
Venus Slipper Orchid - Paphiopedilum 'Pinocchio' - Sprouts of Bristol
Venus Slipper Orchid - Paphiopedilum 'Pinocchio'
Sprouts of Bristol
From £20.00
Sold Out
Tiny Moth Orchid - Phalaenopsis - Sprouts of Bristol
Tiny Moth Orchid - Phalaenopsis - Sprouts of Bristol
Tiny Moth Orchid - Phalaenopsis
Sprouts of Bristol
Sold Out
Baby's tears - Soleirolia soleirolii - Sprouts of Bristol
Baby's tears - Soleirolia soleirolii - Sprouts of Bristol
Soleirolia soleirolii - Baby's tears
Sprouts of Bristol
From £5.00
Sold Out
Alocasia 'Wentii' - Sprouts of Bristol
Alocasia 'Wentii' - Sprouts of Bristol
Alocasia 'Wentii'
Sprouts of Bristol
From £12.00
Sold Out
Limequat - Citrofortunella floridana - Sprouts of Bristol
Limequat - Citrofortunella floridana
Sprouts of Bristol
From £38.00
Sold Out
Syngonium podophyllum 'Mottled' / 'Mojito' - Sprouts of Bristol
Syngonium podophyllum 'Mottled' / 'Mojito' - Sprouts of Bristol
Syngonium podophyllum variagata 'Mottled' / 'Mojito'
Sprouts of Bristol
Sold Out
Cape Sundew - Drosera capensis - Sprouts of Bristol
Cape Sundew - Drosera capensis - Sprouts of Bristol
Sold Out
Elephant Ear - Alocasia cucullata - Sprouts of Bristol
Elephant Ear - Alocasia cucullata - Sprouts of Bristol
Elephant Ear - Alocasia cucullata
Sprouts of Bristol
From £35.00
Sold Out
Parasol Plant - Schefflera arboricola 'Gold Capella' - Sprouts of Bristol
Parasol Plant - Schefflera arboricola 'Gold Capella' - Sprouts of Bristol
Sold Out
Aglaonema ‘Matcha Lemon' - Chinese Evergreen - Sprouts of Bristol
Aglaonema ‘Matcha Lemon' - Chinese Evergreen - Sprouts of Bristol
Sold Out
Chinese Evergreen - Aglaonema ‘Cutlass’ - Sprouts of Bristol
Chinese Evergreen - Aglaonema ‘Cutlass’ - Sprouts of Bristol
Sold Out
Chinese Evergreen - Aglaonema ‘Maria' - Sprouts of Bristol
Chinese Evergreen - Aglaonema ‘Maria' - Sprouts of Bristol
Sold Out
Forest Cactus - Rhipsalis - Sprouts of Bristol
Forest Cactus - Rhipsalis - Sprouts of Bristol
Forest Cactus - Rhipsalis ramulosa
Sprouts of Bristol
From £18.00
Sold Out
French Lavender - Lavandula stoechas 'Toscane' - Sprouts of Bristol
French Lavender - Lavandula stoechas 'Toscane' - Sprouts of Bristol
Lavandula stoechas 'Toscane' - French Lavender
Sprouts of Bristol
Sold Out
Alocasia baginda 'Dragon Scale' - British Grown - Sprouts of Bristol
Alocasia baginda 'Dragon Scale' - British Grown - Sprouts of Bristol
Sold Out
Bloodleaf - Iresine herbstii 'Rich Goldstar' - Sprouts of Bristol
Bloodleaf - Iresine herbstii 'Rich Goldstar'
Sprouts of Bristol
From £6.00
Sold Out
Philodendron 'White Weave' - Sprouts of Bristol
Philodendron 'White Weave' - Sprouts of Bristol
Philodendron 'White Weave'
Sprouts of Bristol
From £9.00
Sold Out
Wax Plant - Hoya krohniana 'Splash' - Sprouts of Bristol
Wax Plant - Hoya krohniana 'Splash' - Sprouts of Bristol
Hoya krohniana 'Splash'
Sprouts of Bristol
From £14.00
Sold Out
Painted Leaf - Begonia rex 'Silver Dollar' - Sprouts of Bristol
Painted Leaf - Begonia rex 'Silver Dollar' - Sprouts of Bristol
Sold Out
Drop Tongue Plant - Schismaglotis scortechnii - Sprouts of Bristol
Drop Tongue Plant - Schismaglotis scortechnii - Sprouts of Bristol
Schismatoglottis scortechnii
Sprouts of Bristol
From £20.00
Sold Out
Drop Tongue Plant - Schismatoglottis 'Silver Indukan' - Sprouts of Bristol
Drop Tongue Plant - Schismatoglottis 'Silver Indukan' - Sprouts of Bristol
Schismatoglottis 'Silver Indukan'
Sprouts of Bristol
From £20.00
Sold Out
Potted Sunflower - Helianthus annuus 'Sunsation Yellow'
Sprouts of Bristol
From £0.00
Sold Out
Red Hot Poker - Kniphofia uvaria
Sprouts of Bristol
From £7.00
Sold Out
Dischidia ovata 'Watermelon'
String of Nickles - Dischidia ovata 'Watermelon' - Sprouts of Bristol
Dischidia ovata 'Watermelon'
Sprouts of Bristol
From £14.00
Sold Out
Dwarf Papyrus - Cyperus papyrus 'Percamenthus' - Sprouts of Bristol
Sold Out
Monkey Jars - Nepenthes lowii x ventricosa - Sprouts of Bristol
Monkey Jars - Nepenthes lowii x ventricosa - Sprouts of Bristol
Monkey Jars - Nepenthes lowii x ventricosa
Sprouts of Bristol
From £12.00
Sold Out
Kalanchoe beharensis 'Maltese Cross' - Sprouts of Bristol
Kalanchoe beharensis 'Maltese Cross' - Sprouts of Bristol
Kalanchoe beharensis 'Maltese Cross'
Sprouts of Bristol
Sold Out
Blue Columnar Cactus - Pilosocereus pachycladus - Sprouts of Bristol
Blue Columnar Cactus - Pilosocereus pachycladus - Sprouts of Bristol
Sold Out
Pincushion Cactus - Mammillaria backebergiana - Sprouts of Bristol
Pincushion Cactus - Mammillaria backebergiana - Sprouts of Bristol
Sold Out
Ball Cactus - Notocactus ubelmannianus - Sprouts of Bristol
Ball Cactus - Notocactus ubelmannianus
Sprouts of Bristol
From £9.00
Sold Out