Marble Queen Pothos - Epipremnum aureum 'Marble Queen'

Sprouts of Bristol
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Scientific Name
Epipremnum aureum (golden plant which grows on the bottom of a tree) 'Marble Queen'

Common Name
Marble Queen Pothos, Devil's Ivy, Pothos Plant

This is a cultivated variety; the species originates in French Polynesia

Add a dash of gorgeous colour to your collection with the marbled white and pale green variegation in this pothos! As this plant grows, you'll see its rounded leaves, with their variegated marbling, creeping along any nearby surfaces. Your Pothos will look great hanging, climbing or dangling, and will love a bright spot which gives it enough light to sustain this high level of variegation. Your Marble Queen Pothos will repay your care with lush, bright foliage which you can enjoy with every new leaf that sprouts!

Bright but indirect light is best, as this plant is not adapted to direct sunlight. If in a shadier location, water less frequently to stop it getting waterlogged; due to its variegation, this plant will benefit from brighter light. If it starts to lose variegation, it's probably in too dim a spot.

Allow the top third of soil to dry out between waters; in a shadier location, allow about half to dry out. Keep an eye out for soggy soil in winter especially.

Average humidity is fine; don't mist this pothos, though a hose down once a month or so will help it keep its leaves clear of dust. Make sure you don't keep it too close to a radiator which could dry it out

Use a well-draining soil with chunky bits like bark which will help it drain and get air to your roots. One designed for Monsteras or Philodendrons will work well here. Repot every few years as the plant grows.

Feed every four waters in spring and summer; reduce to every six in autumn and winter.

Average temperatures of 18-30°C are fine; make sure it doesn't get colder than 12°C in winter.

No, this plant is toxic to pets and small humans.

Sprouts Top Tips
Allow this plant somewhere to grow to or something to grow up and it will deliver! It can have a spread of up to 8m in height in the right conditions. Alternatively, you can trim the ends to make entire new plants from the cuttings; just make sure there's a leaf and a node and your plant should be able to root anew!



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