Inch Plant - Tradescantia pallida 'Purple Heart'

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Thrives in bright, indirect light; too little light will leave it leggy and damp, and too much bleached and dried-out.

Water once the pot begins to feel light when lifted; these plants like to be moist, and prefer to be bottom-watered (using a dish underneath rather than pouring onto the soil) to prevent their leaves accumulating damp!

Average humidity is fine, but your plant will benefit from an occasional misting or humidity tray.

Use a moisture-retentive, well-draining mix to keep this thirsty plant happy but not too soggy. Repot every three years if absolutely necessary; this plant is better potbound than drowning in soil.

Feed every four waters in the growing season, reduce to every six in autumn and winter.

Temperature should ideally be between 16-30°C- make sure it doesn't drop below 10°C in winter.

No; while this plant is not toxic, it can cause some bad reactions when eaten by pets, including itchy skin and upset stomachs.

Sprouts Top Tips
To keep tradescantia bushy rather than leggy, you can pinch off or trim longer stems, which can then themselves be propagated, making more plants to spread around your home or share with others!