Alocasia baginda 'Silver Dragon'

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Bright, indirect light will make alocasias happy- either from overhead or within 2m of a window. Just make sure it's not too direct as this can scorch the leaves!


Allow the top third of the soil to dry out in between waters; keep in mind it will need slightly less watering in the cooler months.

Average household humidity is fine; when your heating is on, try increasing the humidity with a humidity tray. Will benefit from an occasional hose down to keep it free of dust and hydrate the leaves!


Use a moisture-retentive soil to keep this thirsty plant happy but not too soggy. Repot every two years if absolutely necessary; these plants would rather be potbound than risk being shocked by moving.

Feed every four waters in the growing season, reduce to every six in autumn and winter. Pre-water the soil before applying 'ready to use' products to protect the roots.


Ideally likes temperatures of 20-30°C; make sure it doesn't drop below 12°C in winter.

No, this plant is toxic to pets and small humans.

Sprouts Top Tips
To maintain your alocasia, prune away any yellowed leaves with a sharp blade and clean cuts; don't cut through yellowed tissue and make sure cuts are clean to avoid shocking the plant!