Maranta leuconeura 'Amabilis' - Fishbone Prayer Plant

Sprouts of Bristol
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The patterning on this Maranta is stunning, with deep forest green fishbone markings patterning the paler green of the leaf. As a Prayer Plant, this clever species' leaves will raise and lower to greet the sun and maximise light exposure. Unlike other types of variegation, Maranta variegation is consistent across the whole plant, meaning each leaf will get the same pattern because it is coded into its genes. Choose this stunning cultivar to add a bold statement to your home!

Scientific Name
Maranta leuconeura 'Amabilis' (Maranta's white string plant, cultivar: Lovely)

Common Name
Fishbone Prayer Plant, Prayer Plant, Amabilis Prayer Plant

Native to tropical Brazilian forests

Give this plant bright, indirect light throughout spring and summer; it will appreciate a splash or morning or evening sun in autumn and winter. Due to the red undersides of its leaves, this variety can withstand some shadier spots, but if it isn't moving its leaves up and down often this probably means it's a bit too shaded.

Allow the top quarter of the soil to dry out between waters; make sure to keep an eye on this, especially in brighter spots where the soil will dry out quicker.

Likes high humidity, so will benefit from the introduction of a humidity tray and regular misting. Hose down the plant to keep it dust-free and keep an eye out for curling, browning leaves indicating low humidity.

Use a well-aerated soil mix which also retains moisture well to keep this plant happy; a mix of light components such as coir with moisture-retentive vermiculite or zeolite works well. Repot every two years in spring as the plant grows.

Feed every four waters in the growing season, reduce to every six in autumn and winter.

Ideal temperature is 18-27°C; make sure it does not get colder than 15°C in winter.

Yes, but too much nibbling won't be good for pets, small humans or the plant!


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