Leopard Lily - Dieffenbachia 'Tropic Snow'

Sprouts of Bristol
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Scientific Name
Dieffenbachia seguine (Dieffenbach's plant, Seguin's species) 'Tropic Snow'

Common Name
Dumb Cane, Leopard Lily, Spotted Dumb Cane, Mother-in-Law's Tongue

Native to New World Tropics, from Mexico and the West Indies to Argentina

This variety has a spotted variegation like the first smattering of snow at the start of winter. With less variegation, this Leopard Lily is more tolerant to a variety of light conditions and will flourish in any well-lit room. Our Tropic Snow is large, and will fill that empty corner of your home easily, repaying your care with long-lasting speckled greenery.

Thrives in bright, indirect light; dust off the leaves every now and again to maximise light in shadier locations.


Allow the top third of the soil to dry out in between watering. Water with tepid or lukewarm water to avoid shocking the plant.

Likes high humidity; if you see brown or curling leaf tips, it will appreciate a mist or the addition of a humidity tray!


Use well-draining, soil-based compost; repot every couple of years as it grows.

Feed every four waters in the growing season, reduce to every six in autumn and winter.


Ideal temperature is 20-24°C; make sure it does not get colder than 15°C in winter.

No, this plant is toxic to pets and small humans.

Sprouts Top Tips
This is one of the largest varieties of Dieffenbachia; make sure it has plenty of space and it will appreciate your care all the more!


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