Euphorbia aeruginosa

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Scientific Name
Euphorbia aeruginosa (Euphorbus' rusty plant)

Common Name
Miniature Saguaro, Spurge

Native to South Africa

These spiky cacti are sure to grab attention thanks to their unusual appearance; their deep red and green spines stand out next to paler green stems, making them look truly formidable! Handle with care, and pop this cactus in a nice bright spot and it will reward you with its standout form and by really catching the eye!


Euphorbia like bright light, and can cope with direct sun; choose a window that gets a few hours of direct sun in the morning or evening for best results.


This cactus cannot cope well with having constantly-moist soil, so make sure it dries out totally between waters. If your plant is in a position with less direct light, be extra careful not to overwater it!

This cactus is adapted to arid (dry) conditions so does not need a humid location at all. If it's getting dusty feel free to hose down to clean, just make sure it can dry out quickly.

Use a well-draining soil designed for cacti and succulents, usually a mix with added grit and sand. Repot every three to four years in spring as the plant grows.

Feed every other water in spring and summer; reduce to one in three in autumn and winter.


Average temperatures of 15-32°C are fine; make sure it doesn't get colder than 12°C in winter.

No, this plant is toxic to pets and small humans, as well as having sharp spikes!

Sprouts Top Tips
If you notice brown discolouration on your Euphorbia's stems, check closer before you act; if it is soggy you may need to take cuttings to save it, but if it is 'corking' and the brown is more like hard scabs, this is natural and not a concern.



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