Martens Clubmoss - Selaginella martensii 'Jori'

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Keep out of direct sunlight; this plant can deal with a shadier spot, and loves bright, indirect light.


Make sure you keep the soil moist but not soggy; water when the top layer of soil dries.

This plant loves high humidity, hence its suitability as a terrarium plant. When keeping as a houseplant, make sure you keep it somewhere with high humidity levels; it will benefit from the introduction of a humidity tray and should not be kept near a radiator which will dry it out too quickly.

In a terrarium, ensure you have well-draining soil which will suit the closed ecosystem. In a pot, use a moisture retentive soil; something designed for ferns should work well here. Repot when the plant crowds the pot too much; in a terrarium, keep it trimmed to fit in the enclosed space.

This plant grows well without a fertiliser; fresh soil or a repot once a year will give it enough nutrition.


Average temperatures of 18-30°C are fine; make sure it doesn't get colder than 15°C in winter.

Yes, but too much nibbling won't be good for pets, small humans or the plant!

Sprouts Top Tips
The key to caring for this plant is maintaining high humidity. A terrarium or enclosed area will help with this. Ensure that its soil remains evenly moist, especially when not grown in a terrarium, where it will dry out much quicker.