In Großbritannien angebaute Pflanzen
Lower carbon footprint, same high quality plants? Sign me up! The plants in this section haven’t crossed any international borders to get here, and we love supporting British growers where we can. It is also helpful for the plants, since they are more used to our climate and seasons, and haven’t had to travel as far to get to us, and by extension, to you! So get scrolling through our latest picks from our most local growers…
453 Produkte

Thymian - Thymus citriodorus 'Silver Posie' - In Großbritannien angebaute Küchenkräuter
Sprouts of Bristol
ab £2.50
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Variegated Hardy Fuchsia Bush - Fuchsia 'Tom West' - British Grown
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Sprouts of Bristol

Helenium autumnale 'HayDay Golden Bicolor' - Sneezeweed - British Grown
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Sprouts of Bristol
![Coreopsis grandiflora 'Illico' [British Grown Herbaceous Perennial] - Sprouts of Bristol](
![Coreopsis grandiflora 'Illico' [British Grown Herbaceous Perennial] - Sprouts of Bristol](
Mädchenauge - Coreopsis grandiflora 'Early Sunrise' - in Großbritannien angebaute krautige Staude
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Sprouts of Bristol
![Coreopsis grandiflora 'Castello Pompon' [British Grown Herbaceous Perennial] - Sprouts of Bristol](
![Coreopsis grandiflora 'Castello Pompon' [British Grown Herbaceous Perennial] - Sprouts of Bristol](
Mädchenauge - Coreopsis grandiflora 'Early Sunrise' - in Großbritannien angebaute krautige Staude
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Sprouts of Bristol

Gaillardia aristata 'Arizona Apricot' - Blanket Flower - British Grown
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Sprouts of Bristol

Thymian - Thymus citriodorus 'Silver Posie' - In Großbritannien angebaute Küchenkräuter
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Sprouts of Bristol
ab £2.50
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![Penstemon hartwegii 'Phoenix Appleblossom' - Beard Tongue [British Grown Perennial] - Sprouts of Bristol](
![Penstemon hartwegii 'Phoenix Appleblossom' - Beard Tongue [British Grown Perennial] - Sprouts of Bristol](
Bartzunge - Penstemon 'Arabesque Red' - in Großbritannien angebaute mehrjährige Pflanze
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Sprouts of Bristol
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Herbstsalbei - Salvia greggii 'Cherry Lips' - in Großbritannien angebaute mehrjährige Pflanze
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Sprouts of Bristol
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Schafgarbe - Achillea millefolium 'Red Velvet' - in Großbritannien angebaute krautige Staude
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Sprouts of Bristol
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Martins Wolfsmilch - Euphorbia × martini 'Ascot Rainbow' - mehrjährige Pflanze aus Cotswold
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Sprouts of Bristol
![Penstemon hartwegii 'Phoenix Red' - Beard Tongue [British Grown Perennial] - Sprouts of Bristol](
![Penstemon hartwegii 'Phoenix Red' - Beard Tongue [British Grown Perennial] - Sprouts of Bristol](
Bartzunge - Penstemon 'Arabesque Red' - in Großbritannien angebaute mehrjährige Pflanze
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Sprouts of Bristol
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Korallenglöckchen - Heuchera 'Indian Summer - Black Pearl' - mehrjährige Staude
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Sprouts of Bristol

Salvia farinacea 'Velocity Blue' - Mealycup Sage - British Grown
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Sprouts of Bristol
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Osteospermum ecklonis 'Tradewinds Yellow Bicolor' - African Daisy - British Grown
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Sprouts of Bristol

Lamium maculatum 'Golden Anniversary' - Dead Nettles - British Grown
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Sprouts of Bristol
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Gazania rigens 'Gazte Tiger Eye' - Variegated Treasure Flower - British Grown
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Sprouts of Bristol

Gazania rigens 'Gazte Tiger Eye' - Treasure Flower - British Grown
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Sprouts of Bristol

Helenium autumnale 'HayDay Red Bicolor' - Sneezeweed - British Grown
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Sprouts of Bristol

Gaillardia aristata 'Sunrita Yellow Red Ring' - Blanket Flower - British Grown
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Sprouts of Bristol

Buddleja davidii 'Summer Bird Sky Blue' - Butterfly Bush - British Grown
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Sprouts of Bristol

Oregano - Origanum vulgare 'Hot & Spicy' - British Grown Culinary Herbs
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Sprouts of Bristol
ab £2.50

Lucky Dip Begonia 'Nonstop Mixed' - British Grown Non Hardy Perennial
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Sprouts of Bristol
ab £2.50

Peruvian Lily - Alstroemeria 'Inticancha Machu’ - British Grown Perennial
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Sprouts of Bristol
ab £3.00

Sea Thrift - Armeria pseudarmeria 'Dreameria Dream Clouds' - British Grown Evergreen Perennial Alpine
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Sprouts of Bristol

English Lavender - Lavandula angustifolia 'Hidcote' - British Grown Perennial
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Sprouts of Bristol

Garden Phlox - Phlox paniculata 'Super Ka-Pow Lavender' - British Grown Evergreen Perennial
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Sprouts of Bristol
ab £4.00
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Bergamot - Monarda didyma 'Balmy Purple' - British Grown Perennial
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Sprouts of Bristol
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