Balkongarten Pflanzkasten

Überprüfung der Verfügbarkeit vor Ort
Pflanzkasten für Balkonpflanzen, für Blüten mit Aussicht. Garten mit Aussicht? Unser Balkonkasten ist für Kübel und Töpfe konzipiert und mit einer ordentlichen Portion Trockenheitsresistenz ausgestattet. Das Set enthält 6 Samenpakete mit torffreien Erdscheiben und Pflanzenetiketten. Warum es besonders ist: * Amaranth 'Red Army' für dekorative Blüten * Calendula 'Snow Princess' für essbare Blüten * Kapuzinerkresse 'Gleam Field' für hängende Farbe * Petersilie für Gartenkräuter * Poppy Pandora für tiefe, papierartige Blüten * Duftwicke 'Royal Family' für kletternde Schönheiten

Check out The Sprouts Blog

Sprouts insights to house plants, gardening, our favourite brands and plant hire case studies.
Watering your houseplants - and why they don’t like tapwater - Sprouts of Bristol
It’s the main point of interaction we have between us and our houseplants, so it...
Rhianna BanghamAugust 13, 2024
Letter from the founder - August 2024 - Sprouts of Bristol
We have launched our first (hopefully monthly) ‘Letter from the Founder’ blog post. I talk about a string of bad luck, from water gushing from various ceilings in my life to a break-in, and also reflect on the incredible work we have done to win two awards earlier this year. I look ahead to what’s coming up in August, projects we are working on with our clients, and some thoughts about the rest of the year. And I give an insight into my brain, why I am who I am and why I’m so thankful for all the opportunities, passion and excitement that running Sprouts has given me as a founder and as a woman.
Jessy EdgarJuly 31, 2024
Ten of our most popular houseplants - Sprouts of Bristol
With nearly four years of business under our belt, and many more years of looking...
Jessy EdgarJune 07, 2024