Begonia rex 'Escargot'

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Scientific Name
Begonia rex (King Begonia) 'Escargot'

Common Name
Rex Begonia, King Begonia, Painted Leaf Begonia, Fancy-Leaf Begonia, Angel-Leaf Begonia

Native to India

Begonia rex are known for their stunning leaves and standout foliage! This variety's leaves shimmer, as the emerald green of the foliage has silvery patches, and each leaf is bordered by a deep forest green. When this plant matures, its leaves will also start to twirl round the stem at the base of the leaf, mimicking the snail from which this variety gets its name. Begonias don't like getting their leaves wet, so when you water, go directly into the soil or bottom-water. Keep this plant happy with some humidity, indirect light and a warm spot and it will reward you with stunning foliage sure to grab attention on your sideboard, shelf or window ledge.

Thrives in bright, indirect light, but will tolerate some shade. A North- or Northeast-facing window is a good bet here!

Keep the soil moist, but ensure good drainage and don't allow to sit in water. Water when the top inch of soil is dry, and reduce watering in winter. Don't water onto the leaves.

Begonias like humidity; average indoor humidity is fine as long as they aren't too close to a radiator which will dry them out! They will love a bright kitchen or bathroom.

A well-draining mix with added sand and coir, such as a blend designed for ferns, will work well here. Repot every three years or once the plant and roots are crowding the pot.

Feed every four waters in the growing season, reduce to every six in autumn and winter.

Ideal temperature range of 15-26°C; don't let it drop below 12°C in winter.

No, this plant is toxic to pets and small humans.

Sprouts Top Tips
Water directly into the soil or bottom-water by placing the plant into a tray of water for about ten minutes to let it drink its fill - these Begonias don't like getting their leaves wet.