Baby Plants 6cm


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36 Produkte

Asparagus Fern - Asparagus setaceus - Sprouts of Bristol
Asparagus Fern - Asparagus setaceus - Sprouts of Bristol
Spargelfarn - Asparagus setaceus
Sprouts of Bristol
ab £5.00
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 (6)
Begonia rex 'Hatacoa Silver' - Welsh Grown - Sprouts of Bristol
Begonia rex 'Hatacoa Silver' - Welsh Grown - Sprouts of Bristol
Begonia rex 'Hatacoa Silver' - in Wales angebaut
Sprouts of Bristol
ab £6.00
Keine Bewertungen Keine Bewertungen
Begonia listada - Welsh Grown - Sprouts of Bristol
Begonia listada - Welsh Grown - Sprouts of Bristol
Begonia listada - in Wales angebaut
Sprouts of Bristol
ab £6.00
Keine Bewertungen Keine Bewertungen
Begonia rex 'Benitochiba' - Welsh Grown - Sprouts of Bristol
Begonia rex 'Benitochiba' - Welsh Grown - Sprouts of Bristol
Begonia rex 'Benitochiba' - in Wales angebaut
Sprouts of Bristol
ab £6.00
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 (1)
Begonia rex 'Red Heart' - Sprouts of Bristol
Begonia rex 'Red Heart' - Sprouts of Bristol
Begonia rex 'Rotes Herz'
Sprouts of Bristol
ab £6.00
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 (2)
Begonia rex ‘Escargot Black Jungle’ - Sprouts of Bristol
Begonia rex ‘Escargot Black Jungle’ - Sprouts of Bristol
Begonia rex 'Escargot Black Jungle'
Sprouts of Bristol
ab £6.00
Rating: 4.5 out of 5 (2)
Begonia solimutata - Welsh Grown - Sprouts of Bristol
Begonia solimutata - Welsh Grown - Sprouts of Bristol
Begonia solimutata - in Wales angebaut
Sprouts of Bristol
ab £6.00
Keine Bewertungen Keine Bewertungen
Freddie Calathea - Calathea concinna 'Freddie' - Sprouts of Bristol
Freddie Calathea - Calathea concinna 'Freddie' - Sprouts of Bristol
Calathea Freddie - Calathea concinna 'Freddie'
Sprouts of Bristol
ab £6.00
Keine Bewertungen Keine Bewertungen
Codonanthe gracilis - Welsh Grown - Sprouts of Bristol
Codonanthe gracilis - Welsh Grown - Sprouts of Bristol
Codonanthe gracilis - Welsh Grown
Sprouts of Bristol
ab £6.00
Keine Bewertungen Keine Bewertungen
English Ivy - Hedera helix - Welsh Grown - Sprouts of Bristol
English Ivy - Hedera helix - Welsh Grown - Sprouts of Bristol
Englischer Efeu - Hedera helix - in Wales angebaut
Sprouts of Bristol
Keine Bewertungen Keine Bewertungen
Episcia cupreata 'Pink Acajou' - Flame Violet - Sprouts of Bristol
Episcia cupreata 'Pink Acajou' - Flame Violet - Sprouts of Bristol
Flammenviolett - Episcia
Sprouts of Bristol
Keine Bewertungen Keine Bewertungen
False African Violet - Streptocarpus saxorum - Welsh Grown - Sprouts of Bristol
False African Violet - Streptocarpus saxorum - Welsh Grown - Sprouts of Bristol
Falsches Usambaraveilchen - Streptocarpus saxorum - in Wales angebaut
Sprouts of Bristol
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 (2)
Felted Pepperface - Peperomia incana - Welsh Grown - Sprouts of Bristol
Felted Pepperface - Peperomia incana - Welsh Grown - Sprouts of Bristol
Gefilztes Pfeffergesicht - Peperomia incana - in Wales angebaut
Sprouts of Bristol
Keine Bewertungen Keine Bewertungen
Goldfish Plant - Nematanthus 'Apres' - Welsh Grown - Sprouts of Bristol
Goldfish Plant - Nematanthus 'Apres' - Welsh Grown - Sprouts of Bristol
Goldfischpflanze - Nematanthus 'Apres' - in Wales angebaut
Sprouts of Bristol
Keine Bewertungen Keine Bewertungen
Goldfish Plant - Nematanthus 'Christmas Holly' - Welsh Grown - Sprouts of Bristol
Goldfish Plant - Nematanthus 'Christmas Holly' - Welsh Grown - Sprouts of Bristol
Goldfischpflanze - Nematanthus 'Christmas Holly' - in Wales angebaut
Sprouts of Bristol
ab £6.00
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 (2)
Goldfish Plant - Nematanthus 'Jungle Light' - Welsh Grown - Sprouts of Bristol
Goldfish Plant - Nematanthus 'Jungle Light' - Welsh Grown - Sprouts of Bristol
Goldfish Plant - Nematanthus 'Jungle Light' - Welsh Grown
Sprouts of Bristol
Keine Bewertungen Keine Bewertungen
Goldfish Plant - Nematanthus gregarius variegata - Welsh Grown - Sprouts of Bristol
Goldfish Plant - Nematanthus gregarius variegata - Welsh Grown - Sprouts of Bristol
Goldfischpflanze - Nematanthus gregarius variegata - in Wales angebaut
Sprouts of Bristol
ab £6.00
Rating: 4.2 out of 5 (5)
Heath Pearlwort - Sagina subulata - Sprouts of Bristol
Heath Pearlwort - Sagina subulata - Sprouts of Bristol
Heide-Mastwurz - Sagina subulata
Sprouts of Bristol
ab £6.00
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 (1)
Hoya ‘Mathilde Splash’ - Sprouts of Bristol
Hoya ‘Mathilde Splash’ - Sprouts of Bristol
Hoya carnosa x serpens 'Mathilde Splash'
Sprouts of Bristol
ab £12.00
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 (2)
Kalanchoe pumila - Welsh Grown - Sprouts of Bristol
Kalanchoe pumila - Welsh Grown - Sprouts of Bristol
Kalanchoe pumila – in Wales angebaut
Sprouts of Bristol
ab £6.00
Keine Bewertungen Keine Bewertungen
Lipstick Plant - Aeschynanthus gracilis - Welsh Grown - Sprouts of Bristol
Lipstick Plant - Aeschynanthus gracilis - Welsh Grown - Sprouts of Bristol
Lippenstiftpflanze - Aeschynanthus gracilis - in Wales angebaut
Sprouts of Bristol
ab £6.00
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 (1)
Lipstick Plant - Aeschynanthus parvifolius - Welsh Grown - Sprouts of Bristol
Lipstick Plant - Aeschynanthus parvifolius - Welsh Grown - Sprouts of Bristol
Lippenstiftpflanze - Aeschynanthus micranthus x humilis 'Big Apple' - in Wales angebaut
Sprouts of Bristol
Keine Bewertungen Keine Bewertungen
Lipstick Plant - Aeschynanthus speciosus - Sprouts of Bristol
Lipstick Plant - Aeschynanthus speciosus - Sprouts of Bristol
Lippenstiftpflanze - Aeschynanthus speciosus
Sprouts of Bristol
ab £6.00
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 (1)
Pussy Ears - Cyanotis somaliensis - Welsh Grown - Sprouts of Bristol
Pussy Ears - Cyanotis somaliensis - Welsh Grown - Sprouts of Bristol
Katzenohren - Cyanotis somaliensis - in Wales angebaut
Sprouts of Bristol
Keine Bewertungen Keine Bewertungen
Silver Quill - Ledebouria socialis - Sprouts of Bristol
Silver Quill - Ledebouria socialis - Sprouts of Bristol
Silberfeder - Ledebouria socialis
Sprouts of Bristol
ab £8.00
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 (1)
Silver Sparkle Plant - Pilea glaucophylla - Sprouts of Bristol
Silver Sparkle Plant - Pilea glaucophylla - Sprouts of Bristol
Silberfunkelnde Pflanze - Pilea glaucophylla 'Greyzy'
Sprouts of Bristol
ab £6.00
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 (1)
Sinningia cardinalis - Welsh Grown - Sprouts of Bristol
Sinningia cardinalis - Welsh Grown - Sprouts of Bristol
Sinningia cardinalis - Welsh Grown
Sprouts of Bristol
Keine Bewertungen Keine Bewertungen
Spurflower - Plectranthus madagascariensis 'Lynne' - Welsh Grown - Sprouts of Bristol
Spurflower - Plectranthus madagascariensis 'Lynne' - Welsh Grown - Sprouts of Bristol
Spornblume - Plectranthus madagascariensis 'Lynne' - in Wales angebaut
Sprouts of Bristol
ab £6.00
Keine Bewertungen Keine Bewertungen
Strawberry Begonia - Saxifraga stolonifera 'Tricolor' - Welsh Grown - Sprouts of Bristol
Strawberry Begonia - Saxifraga stolonifera 'Tricolor' - Welsh Grown - Sprouts of Bristol
Erdbeerbegonie - Saxifraga stolonifera 'Tricolor' - in Wales angebaut
Sprouts of Bristol
ab £6.00
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 (1)
Spider Lily - Tradescantia spathacea 'Sitara’ - Welsh Grown - Sprouts of Bristol
Spider Lily - Tradescantia spathacea 'Sitara’ - Welsh Grown - Sprouts of Bristol
Spinnenlilie - Tradescantia spathacea 'Sitara' - in Wales angebaut
Sprouts of Bristol
ab £6.00
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 (2)
Spider Lily - Tradescantia spathacea 'Varicolor’ - Welsh Grown - Sprouts of Bristol
Spider Lily - Tradescantia spathacea 'Varicolor’ - Welsh Grown - Sprouts of Bristol
Spinnenlilie - Tradescantia spathacea 'Varicolor' - in Wales angebaut
Sprouts of Bristol
ab £6.00
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 (2)
xCodonatanthus 'Sunset' - Welsh Grown - Sprouts of Bristol
xCodonatanthus 'Sunset' - Welsh Grown - Sprouts of Bristol
xCodonatanthus 'Sunset' - in Wales angebaut
Sprouts of Bristol
ab £6.00
Keine Bewertungen Keine Bewertungen
xCodonatanthus 'Tambourine' - Welsh Grown - Sprouts of Bristol
xCodonatanthus 'Tambourine' - Welsh Grown - Sprouts of Bristol
xCodonatanthus 'Tambourine' - in Wales angebaut
Sprouts of Bristol
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 (1)